Friday, February 4, 2022

we will have 700 million dead

It will be a state anomaly.

When the state anomaly occurs, it will withdraw
the capital.

Section international, Jewish.

When capital is withdrawn, all employees will
be laid off.

Greece will then become even poorer and people
will starve.

Then there will be the challenge of this discomfort.

He talks about lailapa that is coming and
is actually very fast.

"We don't have time now, brothers.

We have to be ready."

- He explains that the Russians will intervene
because they will provoke and break up Turkey.

They will reach as far as Israel and foil
their plans.

- America and Europe will counterattack and
the army will use mercenaries from Japan and

China, as they will not have enough forces.

- It talks about two halves in which things
will improve.

In the first half, the evil will be local,
in the second half, it will be global.

The destruction will be huge.

- He explains that we are like in the time
of Noah and that this disaster must be done

to save Orthodoxy.

- In the order of 700 million, it refers to
the losses, especially those who will participate

in the war, rather than women and children.

I can't tell you more, my friends, because
you won't be able to bear it," he says at

one point, and when asked if it will happen
in our generation, he says, "The living will


He gives the impression that he is prophesying
to himself that he will not be able to live

when all this is done.

- It demands spiritual preparation, repentance,
and prayer from everyone so that we can endure

this terrible ordeal.

Lailapa will be so great that after that only
those close to Christ will be able to endure,

he explains.

Of course, it talks about the cleansing of
humanity so that all these great ones who

are the creators of evil are destroyed.

He explains that the Antichrist will not precede
the flash of Orthodoxy.

He places his arrival 30 to 40 years later
and explains that in order to be able to fight,

the Christians must first be strengthened.

If we don't go back to tradition and faith
first, no one can stand it.

- When asked when events will take place,
he explains that Christians do not have to

talk about time and time.

But because we have minds and notice the signs
of time, we can understand that things are

very close.

From the fall of Byzantium to the present
day, the sovereignty of Greece has been completed.

Now the blood of our ancestors will speak,
and these people who do not offer good to

humanity - namely the Turks - will be destroyed.

Istanbul will be given to us in a wonderful

It's time for our race to shine.

All the areas that are ours, Pontus, Cappadocia,
the coasts of Asia Minor will be resettled

by those who came from there.

- During the battle, Angelos will appear and
cause drunkenness in the crowd of warriors,

and they will be killed even among themselves
for trivial reasons.

- At the end of the battle, an Angel will
appear again, which will be visible to many

and will say the familiar.

"Get up.

Let's sleep well."

and it will end the war.

Then the few survivors will wake up from their
drunkenness and wonder what they have been

doing for so long.

So they will return to their homeland, truly

He explains that the Antichrist will not precede
the flash of Orthodoxy.

He places his arrival 30 to 40 years later
and explains that in order to be able to fight,

the Christians must first be strengthened.

If we don't go back to tradition and faith
first, no one can stand it.

- When asked when events will take place,
he explains that Christians do not have to

talk about time and time.

But because we have minds and notice the signs
of time, we can understand that things are

very close.

- "From the fall of Byzantium to the present
day, the sovereignty of Greece has been completed.

Now the blood of our ancestors will speak
and these people - namely the Turks - who

do not offer good to humanity will be destroyed.

It will be in Istanbul.

It has been given to us in a wonderful way.

It is time for our race to shine.

All areas that are ours, Pontus, Cappadocia
The coasts of Asia Minor will be re-inhabited

by those who came from there.

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