Wednesday, February 23, 2022

What do we expect to happen

-Therefore be careful to keep our traditions 
-To withstand great temptations  
-Why there will be a renovation now  
-Let the Justice of GOD intervene with great Wrath to root out World perversion. 
-To rebuild a new generation. 
-This will be done now. 
-Now in our days.  
-We have no days. 
-The blood of our martyrs and the cries of our ancestors will speak and we will return to our foundations again. 
-For this, we make Prayer to the Holy GOD to stay with us that we may endure. 
-And back comes RESURRECTION. 
HOPE - HOPE and LOVE, these are from the HOLY SPIRIT, this is what our CHRIST did.  
-Not everyone can do what they want. 
-If you disobey you will die and you are dead.  
-You carry each other's burdens. 
-What does it mean? 
-A continuator of repentance. 
You see we are sinners, we did not do as God made us and so we do not please him as we should, but fear not, God is all-good, He is Merciful. 
-I ask your Love to hold on to MERCY. 
-I come back and tell you because the world's sinfulness has culminated, GOD is intervening within a short time, powerfully and then we will experience many hard temptations. 
-If I describe them you will not be able to bear it. 
-Therefore all with repentance and caution that GOD may cover us in the day of wrath so that we will not be carried away. 
-This is not to be forgotten, it is very near. 
-GOD will intervene powerfully, as in the time of the flood, the time of Noah.  
-Such a thing will happen now. 
-GOD's Justice will intervene to root out the causes of the World Disruption, wherever they are and wherever they have power and are called mighty and great. 
-It will restore the balance, the blood of our fathers and especially our ancestors will speak. 
Greek blood alone, 11 million Greeks were martyred in the first three centuries when the iron-clad Roman Empire held the reins. 
-The Greek blood that was shed then will drown the cannibals who are now called great. 
-But this is not our concern, GOD is mercy, we will show gratitude and obedience to HIS WILL to cover us in the coming plague. 
-Then our race will rise again. 
-Constantinople will be restored as the capital of Byzantium and Europe. 
-We will regain our own, Pontus, Cappadocia, Asia Minor. 
-All these will come back. 
-But that doesn't concern us, what concerns us is Uranus, that's where we're going. 
-We have a consolation from GOD that he will be with us.   
All this is a consolation to comfort us in the blood of our martyrs and the weeping of our ancestors now. 
-GOD will make this GIFT to us, to crush all the worldly scoundrels who are stirring up society and through this to sanitize society and get us back to exactly where we were. 
-He will want to hold Russia back but he won't be able to. 
-It will last about two or three months.  
-He'll want Russia to be fixed in this place and the Stena. 
-Then the Westerners will move in. 
-Then they'll all move and gather on the outskirts of Byzantium. 
-Because Byzantium has been uprooted by the Vatican and handed over to the Turks. 
-Now the shameful descendants of their ancestors called Europeans will be gathered by the Wrath of GOD and no one will come back to say what happened to me. 
-On the battlefield as we are told by those who saw it, in three days of slaughter there will be about 700 million dead, not women and children but men.  
-Then this whole mess will begin.  
-The whole old CITY will be uprooted, only Saint Sophia will remain. 
-And then the renovation will begin, we'll go back to our bases. 
-Greece will become very poor, but then it will move. 
-We won't stay here, we'll go back to our bases again. 
-Pontus, Cappadocia, Asia Minor, Bithynia are all ours. 
-These are the roots of our ancestors. 
-So I told you these to get a picture. 
Gerontius Joseph then takes questions and answers: 
-In the first plague there will be anomalies.  
-In the first plague will be when Russia starts. 
And they won't accept the Americans ... they'll want to push back. 
-That's exactly when they'll intervene. 
-That's when the angel from heaven will appear and he'll get them drunk. 
-Those who will be gathered will also bring in the Supervisors ( allies) the Americans along with the Japanese and I don't know what? 

-Because their issue is to root out CHRISTIANITY from the earth. 
-That's the end of it. 

-When they move, ANGEL from Heaven will appear and will cause them to lose their minds, not to go mad but to want to kill each other. 
-Now I have told you in three days and nights of slaughter all this carnage will take place. 
-Then the same ANGEL will appear, but noticeably, and say stop, "Vengeance is enough," "Let us be well."  
-Then the few who are left will wake up. 
-Then they'll wake up and say why we came here. 


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