Saturday, February 5, 2022

παναγία γλώσσα κελλάκι λεμεσός

Nuns tell of miracles at the monastery. A boy, who had come with his parents, stayed the whole night with his parents to pray and seek help from the Panagia. In the morning, when the child awoke,. Told his parents ... I want milk. It was the first time in his life that the child spoke, and we saw many other miracles - Another man came to the monastery, said we had heard of miracles happening to people with speech problems, he took holy water from the monastery, took it home ...His son drinks 3 times ... and the boy says, -To say something about the holy water, fix it to come straight to the monastery, because it's hard to go behind, Oslo Another case of a woman who was in the last stage of Cancer. Panagia tells her, go to HER monastery, explaining to her exactly what her Monastery was, the woman visits the monastery and a miracle happens to her, - Oslo Another case of a girl who had an operation, she had a tumor ... We appealed to the Virgin Mary, the next day when the girl came to the monastery very happy, said that she was clean from cancer, and she was very happy, -One came to the monastery a boy from Russia 9 years old, the parents said that the boy had never spoken before in his monastery. life, . We made a request to the Virgin Mary, and the boy spoke by smearing holy oil and making the sign of the cross on him. The monastery is located south of the village of Kellaki. It's a 5-minute drive there. GPS " '10 .140A Note for Holy Water = Once upon a time there lived a man with his deaf daughter, one day his daughter drinks water from the well that was there, AND immediately speaks for the first time. was close to the monastery, and they made a diversion to go to the monastery - water gushed from the rock

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