Friday, February 11, 2022

100, 200 years?

Born Again Christians should learn to read Kings in the Bible and read it properly as to why a Church must have Icons, and if they don't understand....stop watching and debasing our beliefs. We are the first Christians EVER who has Built, Prayed, and Worshipped without change directly from Paul and ALL the Apostles. Born Again have a history of what? 100, 200 years? If there is any other Creed older than ours, please tell? Orthodoxy is the true Christian to be.

Christ is Orthodox

Christ came to earth to "build" a church. And the orthodox church began. The Orthodox is the answer to all religions. Stop looking for false gods and try orthodoxy. As we can see this from the holy light, which is provided=only to the orthodox. Jesus Christ is Orthodox

Bible warns

The Bible warns us that Satan "is transformed into an evil light" to deceive. The incidents in which Christians, even monks, are victims of scornful demonic impersonations are fully depicted in the case of Ἱ.M. Yassio Nikodimou "Gerontiko of Dreams and Dreams". We are also aware of the Holy Office, that even if "an angel of the world is proclaimed to be, even if we receive" a "refusal". That is why any proclaimed union that damages the saving Truth of the Church can not be accepted as a conspirator of confusion and sacrifice, as long as it is based on the breath of our cause, which seeks spectacles, not in the "Spirit of the Spirit" the glorious Fathers, but those of the pilgrims of the Christians, who proclaim the prophets themselves. by the great apostles.

Satan's favorite methods

One of Satan's favorite methods of attacking is through religion. Satan loves religion and inspires his religion, with inspiration, with human rules.

False Prophets

When the Antichrist, the Beast, comes, he will seek all people to worship him, including churches and different religious groups. The scene is now set. False Prophets

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