Tuesday, January 13, 2015

God in the context of divine Providence, Sees The Greek Nation ........

Yes, the Greek was kept
from want of Divine Providence teacher of mankind. this
The project is the spiritual heritage, this is the mission, this is the
special vocation among the nations. "And explains Saint Nektarios:
"The S Word of salvation, when he announced that I asked him idoun
Greek, "now edoxasthike the Son of Man" had a deep meaning. was
Reasons prescient, predicting the future. Those present were emfanisthentes Greek
Representatives of the entire Greek nation. To present saw Jesus
nation than that in which it was intended to give the sacred legacy, for to - 2 -diafylaxei sake of humanity. From the desire of Greek Him
Search discerned that they were willing to accept His teachings, predicted
it would glorify Him by faith of nations, and recognized it from payment of
world-prepared nation to carry out its apostolin, and to
Completing the ultimate aim. For indeed, since the beginning the world was
invite the Greek nation to realize this purpose, and it was for Him
God in the context of divine Providence, dieplase The Greek
Nation San eye in the body of humanity, and in this position the I called
Work to regenerate. "Then Saint Nektarios relies
holy Clement who finds each correct philosophy comes from God,
collate wisdom FOR WALKING those philosophies with the variety of
herbs, and relies on Proverbs ch. B39, the ecclesiastic and Sofia
Sirach truth of his sayings. Again alone, Agios Nektarios,
Interviewer: "Why write Greek Scriptures and not Roman? Or another
language "? And answer immediately? "Divine Providence had, for, specific reason that the
Greek nation had already been invited by his appearance, to work for THE
Christianity. "(Agios Nektarios: About Greek philosophy as pre-education in the

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