Friday, July 19, 2024

The great restart of his church


the great informal

A schism has begun now between the chaff and the wheat the trash will be separated from the

Wheat those who will truly love him and will not be afraid like the

Wheat that is ready to become flour and others that will remain formal

Like the trash will take them the wind and will blow them away there is

He says that you cannot bear the

the cunning of Lucifer and the guile with which

He will deceive both political leaders and

Church leaders, one day, do the worst evil.

One could imagine and know that your innocent children will invent something very.

Wicked in a little while and you will understand that they will steal from you the

Children will blackmail you, and the children will blackmail you I don't know what will

Happen all I know is that he has told me they will do great.

Harm to your children and then you will cry a

Lot and no one will be able to help you because you too ran away.

From his arms now we have to hold him by the hand strongly hold it.

By the hand when the one who thinks that he came to stay

He meant the antichrist who is not he is the imitation he

He says in a little while he will be overthrown after he does great evil to the whole world.

Great evil to the whole world and we will all celebrate a new resurrection together.

The resurrection of your country because those who will remain will be

Faithful to me and will love and worship me

All those who are in great political and ecclesiastical positions

will no longer be in this position in a very short period

Mythe great restart of his churgh father has decided, he says, to clean his label

All those who betrayed him as his son all those who vapor if his will

Will let them understand what they did and feel for themselves with whose

The Authority will go off the Jews a quadriplegic will.

be beaten over our country quadriplegic our country it will

Suffer from its faith it will suffer from its economy it will

Suffer from geophysical upheavals turbulence and geopolitical.

Complications remember them quadriplegic our Greece will become a quadriplegic our faith will be shaken.

and mercilessly beaten the economy will collapse nature will

Rebel with many ways you will see these

and the war

Upheavals will bring new data now or do the antichrist the

The imitation antichrist wants to do the big.

Reboot and he will cause the mess through disease and

The Economy he will make you all people after he will put a strap on you.

To drag you where he wants he will do a big restart so he thinks he wants

But my father decided to use the AO.

Tax will do to make another restart of his state of the

Church and through the church, all the same pro and the corrupt will be gone

New will come new people will come forth he says who

Will worship my Father and me and the holy spirit they will love

Me and my father and the holy spirit so much that the lives of the saints will be

Their strength and they will run to the ends of the earth, this is how my father appointed them.

To convey the strongest true faith, so be patient, trust

Me and I will see everything happen in a little while, but now.

Calvary must come because the real resurrection will

Be the one that will happen that you will all rejoice with me my child it will be the

great restart of my father in his church not the restart of satan

On the planet, he dreams of the

Restart of evil that will control you all my father but he has appointed yet he does not.

Allow the antichrist to come to rule there will be first the great.

Restart of his church with power then he will glorify me you will all run.

He tells you to the ends of the earth to speak of me everywhere will be

My icon everywhere will be my name everywhere will be my vision everywhere.

People will know that I am the god of

peace and for a long time the

Kingdom will be glorified until then god will allow the strong as you will be

To face the real antichrist who will come to destroy everything

Then I will take you in my arms so that you can live with

me now, but don't just be afraid

Those who believe me were the high priests were the priests now I want to say let them.

Confess that they should not be afraid the witnesses were not afraid of

Persecutions they were not afraid of the imprisonments they were not afraid of the exiles they were not.

afraid of the desecration of their houses and their possessions

Because among all these saw the time of their future presence in

The arms of God in eternity this today I would like to say them.

But he says them he says them and he says them so beautifully and so

Sweetly that we have no reason not to listen to him just let your heart

To accept his word let your heart be heard the little girl who will f you.

My unworthy little girl my boy I am your father and your mother.

Trust me and you do what every child who opens.

His little hands and he runs into his mom's arms those who do won't

Even understand what's going to happen in amazing ways in awesome ways.

And he's going to support and feed and protect his kids.

I don't want to think about what he's going to tell the rest everyone chooses

You only decide which will be your choice.

with Jesus to meet with him or with Lucifer each of you

Decide I bless you in the name of our beloved Jesus I bless you to

Give you a voice in the mind so you know which is the right thing.

to do I bless you to give you prudence in your actions to know how to

Manage every difficult moment that will come from here on I bless you.

But also may our god our Jesus our Father give you his holy

Spirit that will be the strength to succeed because we may know what

Is right we may know how to do it but we have the power without the

Holy spirit nothing is done.

Now a te stp how y where you get from his yi and then you go around to see if

It makes you a t stp now is how many years will

The antichrist stayed in absolute power for so many years he said now you will

Live in imitation or so to speak his power and these same.

Things will happen in a small form by the politicians but also from the

Church false prophets to experience what will happen and

Choose for yourself who you will love who you will hug who you will put in.

your heart and who from now on you will

Obey I hope we all make the right choice for you from today our

beloved Jesus be unique love strength joy of our heart

We have nothing to fear from today i beg you one word let it be the symbol.

Of our life Jesus you are the love and the love of my heart you are the divine.

Love of my soul you will be everything to me because you are my mother and

My father the king of my heart blessed or will we hear this in them the

Holy Spirit will make a permanent residence in the soul and things will begin in the

midst of persecution and sorrow

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