Wednesday, July 31, 2024

o St. Ephraim Arizona

Dear friends of the channel for several days the image

of the holy elder Ephraim of Arizona Philotheist has started to

Cry the elder stood up holy spiritually and spoke with much pain and sorrow.

Saying to the owner of the image my children come in repentance in

Prayer call and talk to God speak to the lady of heaven and

Mother of our Christ sons of men pray and even less.

Come to repentance very few prayers go.

To heaven Christ is sorrowful that the

Greeks have forgotten him and few are those who call him.

Worship him pray and love him a very faithful woman, Mrs.

Maria, in a communication she had with one of the monasteries of Saint Elder Ephraim

In Montreal, reveals that the elder Thekla confided in her that the one who

saw the elder is a gentleman who lives in an ascetic way in Crete,

go to the elder to the saint Antonio has the elder's photo

in front of her and also the candle the photo

not only started to tear a little while ago but became wet with

Tears the holy elder Ephraim Arizona prays with tears in his eyes

for all of us elder Ephraim the Christ and

The sky is the recipient of all this frostiness and the lack of prayer.

That characterizes Greece at this moment, the Lord is in pain because in Greece.

Once dense prayers were raised from pure hearts.

Sincerely owed their need and their sadness, and they were embarrassed.

They did it with pain and prayer to the master the hearts froze they became cold because

We worship the false gods of money and

Science our hearts froze because it sucks the justification of the progress of

Science we run and worry forgetting to

Pray for those who purify and bleed spiritually they

They know that the underestimation of the elder Ephraim withers the prayer and the

Underestimation of God withers the entire spiritual being of

Man, the elder Ephraim sees from up there that even the prayers.

of the monks are still not as they used to be, we have all become cerebral,

we cannot let ourselves fly let us lean on friends of

God's error heresy and perversion have all.

Do you know why Saint Ephraim Arizona is considered?

A saint he has done great good all over the world in all orthodoxy or dio in

America the new Babylon that is full of sin and hatred

Just listen how many monasteries he has founded in America to date he has

founded 19 monasteries 17 in the united states

And two in Canada male and female which are under the

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and Canada these monasteries are located in two.

in Florida two in Texas two in Chicago, two in South Carolina,

one in New York, one in Washington, one in Pennsylvania,

one in California, one in Lynn, one in

Michigan, one in Montreal, and one in Toronto


in the desert of Arizona some

time away from its capital phoenix and near the city of

Florence heard how this holy old man made his great point.

His great miracle to the young American left him.

Speechless some Americans had been to the monastery of Saint Antonio in

Arizona with his company at some point the

Holy elder Ephraim appears there coming out of his cell where he was confessing the

World and asking young Americans do they have good cell phones modern child

Why are you asking the old man the young man said to him.

With wonder I want you to get the phone on the

holy mountain to a monastery to talk to a monastery there then the

The elder answered him and gave him the number of the monastery and

Said to him call my son in about an hour and as soon as you get a line

Give me the phone so I can talk after

An hour the young man called the monastery of Agios Montes he spoke English he told the monk.

Who picked up the phone that the elder frm from Arizona wanted to

Talk to them as he was talking on the phone the young American was heading to the cell.

Of the elder Ephraim who was confessing about giving it to him

Phone the monk from the holy mountain was surprised by the phone call and told.

The young man that the elder Ephraim was in their monastery and even

Wanted him to talk to him then the young American was

Stunned and heard from the other line that the elder Ephraim was talking to him and she said to him.

, come on, my child, that's why I told you to call Nana, so we can

Talk, me from the holy mountain and you from Arizona, to see what

Orthodoxy is what the grace of the holy spirit is, we'll see each other soon.

, John, these things said the old man and hung up the

Phone young John was shocked he remained a column of salt.

As soon as he recovered a little from the shock he went and opened the door of the confessional that

The old man Ephraim was not in then he also went to his company and

Began to explain his experience to his friends and when he finished the story he came out.

of the door of the confessional and says to him John come to see you, John

Freaked out this event became the reason for young

John gave up worldly things and became a monk in the monastery of Saint.

Anthony in Arizona, America

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