Thursday, June 6, 2024

The files of the deceased

The files of the deceased, believers and unbelievers alike, remain open until the Second Coming of Christ and are subject to alteration. 

In proportion to the people and the efforts of the Church Militant, the files are affected. 

For example, the memorial services and rosaries that are held for the deceased are of great help. 

There are also people who died with 100% hell and by the time the Second Coming comes, they will be at 1000% hell. 

But someone will say: He died, how can he sin? 

You should go and ask Kazantzakis, he will tell you how he sins. His record is affected in proportion to his infidelity. (Kazantzakis wrote books where he expressed his unbelief and many people reading them are hurt and so Kazantzakis sins). 

On the contrary, Holy Chrysostom with his literary work that he left us a legacy, imagine how high his stock has risen! 

So many sins or charities follow them beyond the grave. In view of the above, no one knows how he will find himself in the final judgment.

Dimitrios Panagopoulos the preacher +


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