Friday, May 24, 2024

Ο μ Μητροφάνης που είδε πως βγαίνει το Αγιο Φώς

Testimony of the Saint Mitrophanis Monk, who on M. Saturday of 1926 hid inside the Holy Sepulcher and saw everything that miraculously happens when the Holy Light touches it.

We transfer them as they are published in the book of Haris Skarlakidis "The Holy Light, The Miracle of the Great Sabbath at the Tomb of Christ".

For 12 hours he remained motionless and silent [Father Mitrophanis]. He had only a little water with him a small torch, which he used at 11 o'clock in the morning, when the Tomb was sealed with beeswax and left alone in the dark.

One hour later, according to the Standard, on the twelfth noon, the door of the Tomb was unsealed and later the Greek patriarch entered.

The passage that follows has been attributed to the elementary school and describes what takes place after the entry of the patriarch, exactly as Father Mitrophanis recounts it:

"Then I discerned the figure of the patriarch, stooping to enter the life-giving tomb. At that very moment, when my agony was in a terrible overdrive in the deathly silence, when I could barely hear my breathing, I suddenly heard a slight whistling. It was like a thin breath of wind.

And immediately I saw an unforgettable sight, a blue Light filling the entire sacred space of the life-giving Tomb... How worried was that blue Light, through which I could clearly see the patriarch, from whose face sweat was flowing...

And as if illuminated by that Light, he began to recite the wishes...

And immediately the blue Light began to transform into an all-white Light, like that of the Transfiguration of Christ.

Then that all-white Light transformed into an all-luminous orb like the sun, which remained motionless above the patriarch's head.

Then I saw the patriarch holding the bundles of 33 candles.

And as he slowly raised his hands, the holy candle and his four bundles of candles were automatically lit.

At that moment the bright orb disappeared.

My eyes filled with tears and my whole body was burning"!

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