Thursday, October 6, 2022

War and catastrophic events of our days-On alert for World War III!

Elder Elpidios addressed the letter that we

present on today's page ENTIRELY to his spiritual


As is well known, Elder Elpidius, during the
previous years, wanted to warn humanity several

times about the dramatic events that are about
to take place in our world.

For all this one can read the amazing book
that ONLY we published ("Elder Hope.

Visions for the future..."), authored by Photios
Babanis and edited by the signatory of this

Today, more than a month since the new dramatic

warning of Elder Hope, the planet is in danger
as never before of a general holocaust, with

incredibly terrifying consequences for the
entire ecosystem of the Earth and the living

beings that inhabit it ... From, it seems,
unfortunately, things are being taken to extremes.

From the satanic international moneylenders,
who are above the governments of the people-nations.

It is now obvious that they want to tear our
world apart.

For very deep and dark reasons, which are
lost back in the distant past, but also in

the uncertain future...

The letter of Father Elpidios reads as follows:

Those who believe in God the Father, His Only
Begotten Son, the Merciful Jesus, and the

Holy Spirit, I beg you do not at all stop
praying for the salvation of the world.

This time period is critical.

The powers and works of darkness are destructive

Last year the dark forces decided to speed
up the processes that will quickly bring the

Antichrist to the forefront of humanity.

, they signed off on the start of the third
world war after which nations impoverished

by hunger, disease, and war will be persuaded
to seek for themselves the leadership of a

leader who will bring and consolidate world

The war began informally, first with their
satanic resolutions on paper, which they signed,

after the pentarchy of darkness that rules
the planet agreed among themselves.

This year they have a big important decision
going on.

To prepare for the creation of certain important
regional conflagrations, capable of creating

the causes for a global conflagration, which
will then be united into one.

These regional conflagrations incited and
directed by the puppets of the pentarchy of

darkness, will bring the world exactly one
step before destruction.

Their dark interventions are insidious and
reverberating at the social, political, and

ecclesiastical levels.

In society, hunger, disease, and poverty.

In politics, chaos, unrest, and civil divisions
with dissolving tendencies.

In the church, religious confusion through
the planned ongoing pantheism, where:

1) Traditional moral principles will not only
be challenged but ridiculed.

2) The gospel will be attempted to be corrupted.

3) The holy sacraments will be questioned
and considered unnecessary.

4) The Triune God will be replaced by a universal
god of darkness who will be able to accept

in his arms all kinds of religions, doctrines,
and religious concepts as well as all kinds

of moral beliefs, which in a satanic way Lucifer
himself managed to falsify the moral truth of

the Gospel.
5) The name of Christ will be ridiculed in

the most obscene way since He will be held
responsible for the anachronistic evangelical

moral teachings.

The coming mega-ecclesiastical schism will
first, hurt the Catholic Church and bring about

exterminating persecution of those who will
remain faithful to the truth from now on

the one hand and the attempt of the dark forces
to hurt the heart of Orthodoxy by trying to

abolish the ablution of the Holy Mount and
the conversion of holy monasteries to museums,

are the main ongoing satanic decisions of
the forces of darkness preparing the Antichrist.

The moments that all humanity is going through
are critical.

The destruction of the global conflagration
was only temporarily and for a short time

able to be stopped by the prayers of the Orthodox
Syrian martyrs who were destroyed by the Islamists

for their Orthodox faith and whose martyrdoms,
out of fear and hypocritical selfishness did

not want to be commented on forcefully by
anyone, whether political or church leader.

The time of divine forbearance is shortening.

Only human intervention can reverse by repentance
and prayer what God now partially permits

and the devil ardently desires.

Now is no time for words.

The prudent are silent and pray, while the
wicked talk, mock and revile.

Depending on who one belongs to, one acts

Events will be rapidly evolving.

Believers should prepare both spiritually
and materially.

Angels and saints in human form will always
be beside and close to faithful people to

help and support them.

Absolute trust in God, humble prayer, and
the great antidote to the devil, Holy Communion,

will be the core spiritual power of true Christians.

And while the satanic intervention of the
pentarchy of darkness through the leaders

of the nations subject to it will be in progress,
in the three basic tissues of humanity, i.e.

social, political, and ecclesiastical, all
of God's creation on a planetary and earthly

the level will be unrest.

All creation has already begun to rebel against
what man under the guidance of the Luciferian

forces are doing.

The world has already begun to perceive the
revolution of nature without being able to

see clearly what is yet to come.

Nature will "go mad" and with an intensity
that will increase more and more, it will

burst out with full fury on the disobedient
the humanity that legislates with unabashed disrespect

laws against God and the evangelical moral

Every now and then, the world will witness
nature's fury.

Unusual storms and floods but also unprecedented
prolonged droughts that will destroy people's

precious crops, terrible windstorms, devastating
hailstorms with oversized hailstones that

will destroy not only crops but also cars,
and even killing people will bring terror and

worry to the world.

Volcanic eruptions and an abundance of devastating
earthquakes will further intensify people's

anxiety and fear.

There will be places that will sink into the
sea and mountains that will be leveled.

Those nations that have shown zeal against
God and legislated satanic laws that offend

morality and the value of life will be among
the first to taste the scourge of nature.

Everyone will talk about nature's insanity.

In many places, times will change.

Summer and winter will be reversed.

Epidemics will then become uncontrollable.

Some will be modern and some old, renewed,
and mutated.

Some will be natural and some will be man-made.

All these together with starvation and malnutrition,
which will be the biggest problem that all

nations will soon have to face, will spread
global panic.

Malnutrition and epidemics will be the first
great human concern.

But it will be insufficient because food
supplies, financial aid, medicine shortages,

and medical care will be minimal or non-existent.

The war of nature, which man has audaciously
attempted to manipulate, will be great.

It will give the impression that nature is
at war with man.

Even more so when all of nature will be polluted
in the land, air, and sea by our foolishly

coming short nuclear war.

And all this because man not only ran away
from God but also fights his Creator, on the

one hand by questioning Him and on the other
by running with satanic fury into Lucifer's


My brethren, it is never too late when repentance
and forgiveness on our part becomes a reality.

Lucifer has no power over humble souls who
completely trust their God as their Father

and Savior and humbly ask for forgiveness
after every mistake.

Then the forces of satan are paralyzed and
unable to act because of the tears of repentance

destroy the satanic fabric of his interventions.

If last year the pentarchy of darkness decided
to start the third world war, this year we

will experience the process of regional ignitions
more intensely.

May our repentance and prayers not allow us
to see the general conflagration until next

year, but delay what is coming.

We are just one step before ignition.

It is up to us whether we will prevent it
or whether we will allow it to be activated

by our unrepentance.

Our future is right in our hands.

May we make the right decision.

With much pain, agony, and sorrow I say this
to all those, the spiritual children and friends,

who share God's sorrow for the great generalized
apostasy of the world, which leaves free the

the darkness of Satan to rule over people, the
images of God, instead of the love of our

Lord Jesus.

May our prayers and practical repentance
change everything and prevent the coming evil.


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