Monday, September 19, 2022

Morphou Neophytos We will experience intimidation for three days only=sa...

We talked about Europe, which, as he says,

is falling apart.

About World War III, which he explains has
been raging for six years.

Hydrocarbons, which he points out are a source
of war, not wealth.

He spoke about the intimidation we will experience
for three days from Turkey, but also about

the solution to the Cyprus problem, which
will not be the result of talks but will come

when the Russians, Americans, and Jews recognize
the Kurdish state.

We made a telephone appointment on Easter
Monday to comment on the result of the referendum

in Turkey.

We didn't have to change a single word of
what he had predicted for me in Evrichou.

Thomas Sunday today, faithless Thomas the

In the years that followed the Independence
of Cyprus, especially after the Turkish invasion

of 1974 and the fictitious economic development
that the country had, the faith of many of

our compatriots weakened.

And I would say that the Cypriots are credulous
and not unfaithful.

They have little trust in God's providence
and a lot in wealth, in their logic, in the

closed greenhouse of their everyday life.

Being an islander with a large mainland land
creates a sense of self-sufficiency.

The self-sufficient man does not feel the
need to communicate with God until he is in


Today's Cypriots, because of united Europe
that deceived us all, think that Cyprus is

not next to Syria but next to London or Paris,
and they trust more than they should in the

European acquis and the European mentality.

But London itself is coming to deny us and
tell us that it is not interested in being


Thus, in recent months, faith in the European
Union and the so-called European family has

begun to shake.

Where United Europe meant jobs, rights, and
tolerance of foreigners, now we see it finally

working at high speeds.

The last council of Rome a few weeks ago,
in the presence of the spiritual leader of

Western Europe, the Pope, codified this thing,
but they have not given it to the people to


With the "White Paper" of Commission President
Jean-Claude Juncker?

Yes, there is the Europe of the South and
we do not understand that we are not just

the Europe of the South, but of the Eastern
Mediterranean, the Europe that is in the bastion

of Syria, of Islam.

And hydrocarbons...

Yes, which is currently a source of war and
not wealth.

Cypriots have now begun to realize this.

They thought hydrocarbons were our lottery

It may turn out to be problematic before we
redeem it.

I mean?

With threatening events, which the Turks are
already preparing.

Turkey wishes not to let us even smell the
hydrocarbons, and wants us to share even the

sense of smell.

Doesn't it strike you that after the signings
with the energy giants, Turkey's Ministry

of Foreign Affairs issued a threatening statement
against the agreements, and not a day goes

by without threatening a heated episode?

In fact, we often hear this from the mouth
of Akintzi, who talks about possible tension

in June!

Shouldn't this constant bullying rhetoric
of the Turks against Cyprus and Greece's concern


See a fight?

There will be intimidation, but not a conflict,
not Barbaro's type, but something more advanced,

but not an invasion.

Perhaps some of our politicians sense this
and to prevent the worst they rush to solve

the Cyprus problem under the illusion that
they will stop the expansion of the neo-Ottomans

of Turkey.

But the companies with which Cyprus signed
agreements are energy giants.

Turkey will secure the companies, they will
not lose their rights.

He will simply want to share the wealth and
political power he produces with us.

We are constantly caught on the foreign backs
of Europe and Israel, whose interests are

also secured by the Turkish presence.

We do not understand that these countries
often played games with us and with the Turks,

without diminishing their interests, and in
the end they sold us.

In other words, we should not rest on these
agreements regarding our security, thinking

that the energy giants are very interested
in who they will continue with.

These giants think only economically, and
they have no hesitation in making new agreements

with any country, as long as their work is

Therefore, we should closely monitor the developments
and not take impulsive and hasty actions,

giving the people wrong messages.

But our first task should be how to safeguard
our homeland in this storm of geostrategic

developments and the now open war situation
that has begun to emerge between Russia and


The factor that determines Turkey - Israel

It is the Kurdish state, which is done to
secure the energy road from Mosul to Alexandretta,

which is across from Cape Apostolos Andreas
and currently belongs to Turkey.

Soon it will not belong to Turkey.

He seized it from Syria in 1940.

Kurds and Arabs live there, not Turks, as
we think.

That is why we must have a very good knowledge
of our geography.

I told you this in our interview in 2013 and
I repeat it now: The Cyprus problem will not

be solved as a result of talks, but the solution
will come when the Russians, the Americans,

and the Jews recognize the Kurdish state.

This is what people of God tell us, even the
great think tanks of America, Europe, and

Russia tell us.

I speak based on my faith in the saints of
God, who have a vision in time and see events

before they even begin.

Are you referring to Elder Paisius?

Not only!

There were and still are saints in Cyprus
who have the spiritual vision of St. Paisios

and tell us what will happen in the coming

I am only telling you one-tenth so that the
Cypriots will not be afraid and also not rest

on their European laurels.

Europe, as I told you before, is a fair that

2017-18 will be the finishing season.

With what you say, some accuse you of being
a prophet.

This characterization is an honor for me because
I believe in God's prophets and the prophetic

gift and I proclaim what they predicted for
our time.

We began our discussion with unbelieving Thomas.

Today many suffer from unbelief and many Christians
are Christians in name only.

The saints are coming, whom I believe as prophets
(and certainly not just me!) and they say

that Europe will break up.

For example, Saint Paisios the Saint of Agios
said about 30 years ago: "The blood is still

very hot...

It is impossible - and this will be seen later
- that there will ever be cooperation between

the English, French, Germans, Italians, Austrians,

., when there are still people who lost their
fathers and uncles in WWII.

Is it ever possible to call each other allies
and mean it ?'

And now we see the EU falling apart, so that
only the German Europe of the powerful remains,

to which we will not belong.

Unfortunately, we got on the wrong horse.

There are some, however, who mock you for
what you say!

Yes, because they have difficulty accepting
the prophetic word and believing in it.

Those who have a problem with prophecy must
look within themselves to see how Christian

they are, and how much faith they have in

If you can predict an event, you can also
prevent it.

Certainly or at least contribute to less harm

The sense that God's people have is that the
apostasy, that is, the departure from God

and His will, that has taken place in the
world is enormous.

All of Western Europe is threatened with Islamization
from within, by the immigrants, who are already

integrated into the societies.

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble's
recent statement about Muslim immigrants,

that "there are better places in the world
to live under Islamic law than Europe", I

think captures this mood.

A lot is happening in our area, next to us.

Yes, the slightest mistake can bring the missile
to Cyprus.

When Chornobyl caused us so much cancer, which
is so far away from us, did you imagine what

we might suffer in the war between Israel,
Syria, Persia, and Lebanon?

Because this war, in which the Russians will
also participate by supporting Syria, will

take place, they have prophesied it.

When all this happens in our neighborhood,
the Germans and Americans will tell the Turks

because they will lose southeastern Turkey
to become the Kurdish state, to take if they

can something from the Aegean with their military
enforcement, and the rights to hydrocarbons.

The Turks will make such an aggressive opening
that we do not count on it.

It will be debauchery, the highest form of

The result will be to create a very serious
episode somewhere in the Greek area between

Cyprus and mainly Greece.

An episode will last three days.

From this episode, Russia's interests will
be disturbed and therefore Turkey will be


They will be in agreement with the West and
NATO to make them understand because Turkey

has made them suffer a lot.

Europe-Turkey, America-Turkey-Russia relations
are already on a tightrope.

Do you realize, then, in this setting, how
many roles the people of prayer play?

"Turkey is headed for civil war"
What do you expect from the results of the

referendum in Turkey?

The marginal result of the referendum leads
Turkey to a civil war and reveals its future

trisection: One-third of the Turkish population
is the Europeanist-Kemalites, the second third

is the Ottomans of Erdogan and the third is
those who are not Turkish-Sunni, i.e. the

Alevis, the Kurds, the Armenians, etc.

But we shouldn't spend too much ink on any
outcome of this referendum, because the prophesied

events will happen anyway.

Everything else is journalistic questions,
which cannot stop God's ongoing plan.

"Others determine our destinies, not our Presidents"
What is the power of prayer?

Prayer can move mountains, as the Lord said.

And surely, with God's intervention, he can
prevent events or reduce evil.

The role of the Church in Cyprus at this moment
is not to choose the alpha or the beta candidate

for President.

Whoever comes out will be the same.

Others determine our destinies, not our Presidents.

The Church must activate its faithful people,
not the unbelievers, who will come to repentance

when they understand the threat that Cyprus
faces not from the Turks but from the war

in our neighborhood.

God's plan is great.

But God is full of love.

It is out of love that will allow these events
because as we go along with the pseudo-peace

we have made, we are led to hell with our
corruption, infidelity, greed, and immorality.

But our real perspective is not to live 80-100
years on this earth, it is eternal life with


Whatever benefits people to gain eternal life
God will allow, whether it is cancer, an unexpected

accident, or an earthquake.

In addition to war events, we will experience
extraordinary geophysical phenomena.

And everything will contribute to man rediscovering
the perspective of eternal life.

And these will happen, as we said, due to
the great corruption, man's apostasy from

God and His will, have an inevitable
the result, not only abortions, increased magic,

blasphemy and,body-love but also their legalization.

And I repeat, this war will not be waged by
God, nor by his saints: On the contrary, our

Virgin Mary and the saints are on their knees
and weep before God, so that the coming sufferings

may be lessened, so that we may be led to
true repentance.

Christ is risen…
will also be at peace after the events to


After the tragedy of this war, very good things
will come.

Society will be renovated.

Orthodoxy will become dominant, not as a power,
but as a choice.

Isn't it egocentric to say that Orthodoxy
will be dominant?

No, because it is the truth, the only Truth.

There is only one Church, the Orthodox, there
are no others.

There is one God and he has one body, the
Orthodox Church.

And all the other Churches?

They are Christian communities, not a Church.

"Attention turned to Israel"
Is the Church also to blame for the fact that

did people move away from God?

Of course, we all have a share of responsibility.

But Western Europe has been disintegrated
by the issue of Christianity.

The Pope himself has said that he wants re-evangelization.

And precisely this distancing of Europe from
Orthodoxy had a direct consequence on the

moral level as well: They made, body-love,
idolatry, perversion, and corruption laws!

The great Serbian saint Nikolas Velimirovic
(1880-1956), referring to the Union built

by the Europeans decades ago, wrote: “The
Europeans built the Union with death and made

the contract with the Pope.

This is the most evident fact in the history of
man in the last two hundred years.

All of Europe smells of death.

European universities are preaching death.

European writers preach the death and their politicians
work for death, and their teachers sow death

in the souls of the young.

Europe does not want to know about life after

My brothers, the tragedy of Europe lies in
this, that is, in the fact that it denied

the Kingdom of eternal life.

He formed the union with the death and as
soon as he was bound to death, he was also

bound to Hades...”

Shall we talk about the economy?

The economy of United Europe became the economy
of Germany.

The same is happening in America, in Africa.

There is such a chaotic situation in the world
today that it needs building again.

And the world will not be built by Trump,
nor by Germany's Europe.

Who will build it?

World War III, started six years ago in Syria.

And this was prophesied by a holy man of God,
the blessed Metropolitan of Sisanio and Siatist

Antonios Kombos (1920-2005).

He, just before he fell asleep and while he
was in the hospital, had a revelation from

God about the events of our days and, among
other things, he said: “When the evil starts

from Syria, start praying.

There, from Syria, it will begin !"
But many have now understood this, after the

last blow of the Americans in Syria and Trump's
constant threats against Assad, Russia, and

also Iran, and North Korea!

The first phase of the war is over.

Now we live…
...the second phase, in which Israel will

be the protagonist.

And we have to watch Israel, not Turkey.

And the events that will determine the establishment
and recognition of the Kurdish state will

follow, and those that will also give us our
own freedom.

Israel and Trump fear Persia and its nuclear

The Persians have armed Hezbollah, which is
based in southern Lebanon and has hundreds

of missiles aimed at Israel, which is deploying
a similar number of missiles and is ready

to displace three million people from its

In other words, events run at breakneck speed!

By the time you publish this interview, we
may already be out of date!

But the talks have started.

I don't care what Akintzi or Anastasiadis

I am not talking about them anymore, because
ours will be determined by the foreign ones.

When generals tremble, shall I deal with small

Trump shakes Putin and Putin shakes Trump.

Netanyahu trembles at Hezbollah, Persia at
Israel, and Israel at Persia.

Do you understand what is happening right
now as we speak?

We have open fronts all over the planet: In
the Balkans with Albanians, Serbs, Bosnians,

and Kosovars, in Ukraine, in the Baltic countries,
the common act of America-Israel and Europe

that is dealing with Russia, Iran, and North
Korea, while it should not let's not forget

that China, which everyone fears, and Japan
have been preparing their presence in the

world scene for years.

And at the same time, the economic and moral
war is raging in Europe.

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