my dear children the little time I have at
my disposal I want to tell you about some miracles that happened that happened to the
little girl mine got her a bad
disease and so because I don't have much time to tell in detail
I will suffice I will limit myself to the most important of all that happened and
we went to the hospital in thessaloniki in tahi there they kept us there they did
tests they put her in the room and after a few days a
group of doctors came unskilled with no experience she did an
anisa and my little girl was done even nothing swelled up
blackened it was over g from here and there
praying all the time the manager appeared a man with experience came
and put an inessa on her and after a while she came to her senses and after that after they
told me that there is no salvation and what happened to that with
the anisa that the child swelled up and turned black and what happened in
a thousand cases only one lives so what is left god had his purpose he wanted to
keep him alive to bring some people closer
and so after I saw this and they told me that they had given up my
hopes I said now I will sign I will go to the two sign I will take it here I will go to
my house and since god can even at the last
moment resurrect a person to heal a person I say he will leave it in the
hands of god and I will take it home I brought it I kept him at home for a few days,
he was swollen, he didn't even have any blood on him, all the water was on
his body, he was swollen, I took him, I took him here to the
hospital of Yannitsa, I wanted them to do tests, to take blood, to
examine him, they found no blood and they say how is this child alive, it's a miracle, he should
have died, he has no blood, we can't find blood to take to do
tests, all this was in God's plan so that
he doesn't leave quickly so that he can bring us as we said they sent us closer
we went to the ahepa we went to the ahepa again over there we had to put
blood immediately but also the blood was a difficult
category that you don't find easily difficult category we went there we said
we brought the little girl and she doesn't have any she is going to finish the child will die the child
has to be taken unfortunately we don't have that category they told us
all hope is lost in donating blood we say the child tonight the hell
is leaving where we were sitting we went to the room there besides
my little girl 6 it was 700 and the blood donation at 74
I say let's go one more time to ask if they have anything even though I had no
hopes because some charge can't be cleared
easily I started and was going to the blood donation as I was walking with
my head down I hear a voice behind
me calling my name I turn back and see a
priest wearing a rosary I see someone I don't have seen in my life I have never seen
in my life I turned back and went near me even though
I was in a hurry because the blood donation would be inclined but come come to me he says they shake
my hand he called me I went and he says my name is
Alexander we have the same name
Alexander I have the same charge the one you are looking for I have this charge where
did he learn it from where how a foreign man from Thessalonica so what does this mean
god sent him from where alios how he knew that we need this
for the child, let's go, he says I should give blood, and God has it, and we're going to
give at least one bag to put in so that it lasts until the morning, and then
God has it, as soon as we got there, it was 5:00 in 5 minutes with the
blood donation, and miraculously, miraculously, we just went there in those 5
minutes to the two armchairs where they put and take blood, two gentlemen
are sitting and give blood and have we both
needed that category, so what is this telling you guys, is it
possible at the last minute while you wait for hours and days and not
find this blood category and go and see two people there
giving this category and the priest says I should not give blood now since
two have been found I will be at your disposal day and night whenever you need it,
you will call and I will come to give you, may it be
blessed, the holy person is gone well, the other day others were also found, I put
in a lot of blood and they had her, they put her in
isolation, meanwhile they came every day and punctured the spine
and they were taking a liquid from the children, what were they saying, they were crying because we heard ours
while they were taking and they were taking liquid from it as soon as they left because
we were going inside we were saying, my child, you didn't hear it, they are not coming, how do they say
they are coming, okay, the jumping children are screaming, they are hurting, I don't
understand anything because as soon as he heard that they are going to shoot the doctors
closed his eyes and prayed and prayed to the Virgin Mary he prayed
to the Virgin Mary and the miracle happened the Virgin Mary did not allow the Virgin Mary did not allow the
Virgin Mary to hurt this child and this child I did not tell you that from a very
young age of 5 years old and younger he went to the catechetical school I knew all
the vespers by heart and many other things he prayed by heart he was a child of
prayer she didn't miss class at school she was a first grader first
grader she was very studious so she didn't pay so much attention
to the games when it was class time when it was
church time she would go and one day
she lost her light and she couldn't see she couldn't
see and she was on her last days as we were sitting she told me
dad hold me for a while because she was like an empty sack if you don't leave an empty one
sack can't sit limit will fall that's exactly the way it was and the
little girl held me she tells me to lean on you I say what she wants now what is
she going to say to me daddy if the
world knew how beautiful it is in the other
life they would run day and night they would go to the churches where the word of
God but where can the churches get so many people to hold the church the churches wouldn't
hold so many people but unfortunately she didn't go they go to
church they go to coffee shops and to coffee shops this little girl
has never been and yet by God's enlightenment she knew she heard that they decorate them
I gather them together and they like it in there she says and they didn't go to
churches if I knew dad how beautiful it is in her other life in the other
world day and night they would also go to the church where the church would function
where the word of God was they were going but unfortunately they don't when
she told me this I say something is happening over here so I can ask her well my child until
she couldn't see she didn't see she leaned over and told me these things and I said to her
doesn't she have such a weakness for her mother that she couldn't live without her and yet what
she said how beautiful in the other world nothing was thinking and I say to her
my child if Christ came to you now and told you come with me what
would you do he says ah dad, I would run right away, that is, he wouldn't think of
mom or dad so beautifully, so beautifully that he was us, he wouldn't
think of us at all and he would go with Christ as he said and that reminded me,
you will know it more than you and everyone like the apostle Paul who went
to the other life for a while and saw these things and heard some things and the man
could not explain what he saw and what he said and when he came the disciples told him
to tell us what he didn't I can explain it to you but tell us like this how it is
and he said what my eyes have seen no human eye has seen and what
my ears have heard no
one has heard so beautiful that it was that's all I can tell you he says because
I can't I can't tell you how beautiful these things are my
child saw these things no one else explained them to me should I say that maybe
he is telling me a fairy tale someone grown up told me that politics
makes a 10-year-old 10-year-old child experience these things, I saw these things,
I heard these things, and then the doctors told us to take it home, let it end there,
not to stay here in the hospital, and when we started again, by God's enlightenment, because
some unrelated people were coming to the house, because he wanted to have communication everywhere
with people related to the church, and he always says I'm at
my aunt's property there, and they just kept some of her days he asked to take communion he just
took communion after a few days while he didn't eat anything he didn't eat anything
he took communion the priest left and he says he says I ate today he says the best food of
my life and my wife says but since she didn't eat what did she eat why does he say this
why does he say that then he says but aman he has had communion a c he said the best
food in my life that I have eaten was today and he says to us now he says you can
take me now he says you can take me tonight to the house there to my room
everything that is it was from God's enlightenment he knew when he was going to die that's why he said tonight
you will take me while he didn't want to go to avoid disturbing the people what
are you doing how are you and so on he didn't want if someone heard but he's from the
church he's got something to do with that and that's the joy she had a smile on
her face because she's going to talk to someone with someone who is
from the church was in the things anyway it was night we took her and
we took her to the house we took her home after a while I took her up to the
room since she couldn't see she tells me dad pick me up and hold me
like this again so I can lean on you but I want you to turn me to where the
icon is so that the icon is facing my face that way
I say yes that way it is exactly and she put her little hand on her belly and
says now daddy is here she knew when the time has come to leave this life
now she is here she said then she put it on the verse and says now here she is daddy
now here she is all and she raised her little hand higher up and said now here
that is the soul was leaving go up she is now here puta puta her little hand on the
neck on the neck and says my brother said by his name let's let's say my brother
is a golden child but she said it with a lot of difficulty because her soul was coming out
and the last time she put her little hand on her jaw she said
soil soil what is soil and I say my child soil is soil and all
that and after saying these things she bowed her head and left this life and
until they buried her we went there it was over it was her little hands
her fingers were not hard it was
it was soft while if you pay attention to the inclined people who leave
this life if you go and grab his fingers these are stuck hard
one was this and it was like the like the candle like the candle like gold so
was her little smiling face she left and when I went what she said soil and
so on and all this you will have heard about the old man Paisios and similar
other ascetics I have met on the holy mountain I narrated these things and they said
that we have been here for so many years to become what your child has become,
your child is an angel and what he said is soil, the soil says to you, from the
soil we became and to the soil we will go together, this child and when he said and when
he told you, he says your child, the old man told me that how beautiful it is
in this life in the next life, if the world knew, they would all run to churches
and shrines catechically, this child of yours was already seeing,
she says, God allowed her to see the other life from here and allowed her to move
her lips at that time, she was moving her lips but it was fleeting, she was seeing
this child and since I don't have more time I will
of course limit myself to these and some other time it may be necessary from
the continuation in the meantime if there is time I would like to say that
in the meantime before my child gets sick
I would open a karate school in Ioannitsa at the post office down
on the pedestrian street and it would be the second or the
second school in all of Greece there was one in 78 we are talking one was in Athens
and the second one would be here in Ioannitsa and as soon as what happened with
my child happened I gave up everything I left and as I said all this God allowed me
to get closer and I said now I should probably change my life too and
I didn't bother and I gave up everything I could today I am a big
name a very huge and very different school and yet for the glory of God and
for my little girl I gave up all this I wanted to tell you and another time
maybe I will continue to say other details
be well and always don't leave churches go
to church on Sunday morning and big holidays when you can you don't have class
and catechism on Sundays you go everything is a lie that says about the
song everything is one then these are lies, these are miracles that I experienced with
my little girl, as I told you, they were not told to me, no one
else told me to say that these are fairy tales and these outside, I lived and saw them and told them to
ascetics on the holy mountain, to old saints who talked with the Virgin and
they said to me we are being trained we are here in the desert we are
in the desert to become what your child is I wish
you a good course and God's blessing on
you hello in the meantime when she bowed her head and
her soul went to heaven her aunt entered then in the
room she went to the room and said did you make incense light the coal of incense
did you do we said no no we did nothing but she smells here but she smells over here no
we didn't do anything as you saw we brought her to the bed she prayed to the icon
and said what she said and finished we didn't do anything but she says anyway she smells
she smells so you understand thread you understand it because of the thread or only for
her aunt her aunt her aunt we understand because of our pain that's why we didn't understand
yes oh aunt he understood and says, but it smells like this, don't do anything,
what's wrong with a little charcoal,
you said that she was blind for a month before she died like that, and more and more,
she doesn't complain at all about the blindness, she doesn't complain at all, no, nothing,
she didn't complain, I was sad, she didn't show that she wasn't afraid, to say that I'm
going to die, I don't know anything, it's like you're dealing with an
old man who prays day and night and that he knows how to say everything and that
we should not be sad that we are people of God and that one day
we will go to heaven like this he faced everything like this and he had no
sadness and even said that I brought her books books religious
books of the church go hide them so that she doesn't lose anything what the doctor said
the light will come back yes yes my child her mother said it will again it will you see
put the books I want to read them all read them all read them now
but mom until the light comes back please all read me the big
request the big request so not the little one good the big request and
she was reading she was reading she was getting tired she was getting out and falling she was falling asleep and she says mom
why did it stop why did you stop she said c she said my child
I will continue something I went to I'll take it and that's why I'll continue and he continued how he continued
and he used to sleep day and night he didn't sleep he read he prayed all the time
but also the child was in the middle of things he was aware he knew and wasn't sad
about anything no despair nothing he faced everything laugh
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