Friday, October 7, 2022

This is the holy man who cured ex, homosexual subtitles are not the spea...

Constantinos, who used to always sit in the

last seats of the Temple, with obvious hesitation

at first, got up and went to Mr. Anastasis.

As he made his way to the pulpit he noticed
how strangely everyone was looking at him...

He saw a vague question reflected in the eyes
of those present.

And he wondered why Mr. Anastasius invited
only him to be present next to him at the

time of the reading of the letter...

But something unusual motivated him and after
taking a furtive glance at his beloved Katerina,

he begged Mr. Anastasia to say a few words
in memory of crazy John...

Mr. Anastasis wanted to read the letter first
and then give him the floor.

Then Pope-Vasilis intervened in the conversation
and said: "Let the child speak, Anastasia"...

Konstantinos then went in front of the microphone
with his face lowered.

“I consider and perceive myself as the worst
the miasma that has ever existed in mankind.

I also know that as a "miasm" of society you
all regard me because of my sinful former


You are absolutely right.

This is how I deserve to be treated because
with the life, I led I not only harmed myself

but also my neighbors, that is you but also
all those I caught in the webs of iniquity...

So I take this opportunity that Mr. Anastasis
gave me as an opportunity to ask everyone

personally to forgive me.

Of course, I don't even deserve an apology
because I hurt you more than you can imagine.

I damaged our city, our district, and our

I harmed my friends and acquaintances, parents,
and relatives because I carried with my life

the mud of debauchery into my daily life.

Crazy John put an end to my downfall the one
I had taken...

Salu's prayers freed me from the trap of not
a demon but a whole legion that had nested

inside me.

I was a transvestite for almost ten years.

I believed then that happiness lies in the
ephemeral pleasure caused by carnal contact.

I was dressing provocatively and getting
angry with people.

I looked upon life as a vessel of pleasure,
which I should daily make sure to fill.

I lived through the mire of hell, beyond what
the human mind can imagine.

So I used to change residence at regular intervals
since society rightly regarded me as a waste.

And that's basically what I was.

Fighting, cursing, and frustration I thought
were the best defenses in my literally passionate

rage to follow something that differed from
social propriety, ideals, and gospel values.

At that time I considered my illness a human
right and I had the illusion that it was completely


Something that today even some supreme rulers
are used to advertise as supposed diversity.

So there wasn't a police station in Athens
that didn't know me.

There has not been a court in which I have
not been a "client," either as a defendant

for offending morals or as a witness for the
prosecution or the defense in various similar


I had the illusion that with all my immoral
activity I was serving a silent revolution

of social acceptance of homosexuality...

Chased, I also arrived in your neighborhood
and introduced myself to the good and poor

old lady Mrs. Chrysoula in order to ask for
the studio apartment she was renting.

There I met for the first time the crazy John,
who had brought bread to the almost destitute


Mrs. Chrysoula, unlike other tenants, did
not ask me many things.

He simply told me that the 30,000 Dr. that
she was asking for rent, was her only money

to bring them for a ride and she begged me
not to delay it because with them she pays

PPC, water, and utilities and buys the necessities
of life.

"Ah, my good Constantine, God has sent you.

For three months I have rented the house and
lived with the help of the baker of Mr. Apostolis

and the grocer of Mr. Pantelis who sends me
bread and food with this salo" he said pointing

to crazy-John.

"But I never sent bread, Mrs. Chrysoula, since
I didn't know about your situation," she then

spontaneously turned around and Mr. Apostolis
told her.

"Neither have I ever sent food," added Mr.

But that's what the crazy man used to tell
me - said Mrs. Chrysoula, visibly puzzled...

After this small "pleasant" intervention,
Konstantinos continued:

"Crazy John used to not reveal his actions...

To you, my lady Chrysoula, he brought food,
but to me, he brought God himself."

Constantine's eyes watered and tears began
to flow.

Everyone was crying with him...

He took a deep breath and said:

"After three days I moved into the studio

Crazy John helped me move things...

In fact, when the transporter left some insinuation
on the occasion of my behavior and way of

speaking, crazy-John shut him up... telling
him that he has no right to comment on someone

who systematically lived in adultery and treated
his two children brutally...

The carrier was startled and then stopped

I believed that they would be known but I
was surprised when leaving, he turned to

crazy-John and said to him: "What are you
a magician ?"

Yes, George, I have been "bewitched" by the
love of our Christ answered the tumult.

He even asked the carrier to stop upsetting
Christ who, despite all his behavior, healed

his daughter Theodora from a very serious

George then left with his head bowed...

It is the gentleman sitting there with his
the wife who can confirm the incident.

I was impressed by the dialogue, but at the
the time I dismissed it as lunatics of the saloon...

So in the evening of the same day, I dressed
in women's clothes as usual and went to a

well-known hangout for transvestites on Syngrou

Imagine my surprise when I saw crazy John
looking at me from the opposite corner of

the square.

It crossed my mind that he was seeking amorous

But how did he find me?

I was followed by Shalos and now he will tell
Mrs. Chrysoula.

Ah, I'll be looking for a home again.

As I was thinking about all this, a prospective
client stopped in front of me...

Like a spring then the madman rises and starts

“This one has AIDS, he's sick and he's going
to infect you.

Go away - go away."

I was surprised by this strange behavior of
a person I didn't even know.

Of course, the prospective client left.

I then started cursing the crazy John.

I got hysterical...

This went on for almost a month.

To this day I could not understand how he
discovered the illegal haunts.

One night, I even bothered him very badly...

But imagine my surprise when every night when
I came home I found an envelope with almost

double the money that I used to collect from
this dirty activity of mine and on the outside,

it was written: "Blessing for Christ's servant

I didn't know then what to assume with all
these strange things I was experiencing.

In the afternoons when I used to leave the
house and see the madman - Giannis I was angry.

But he was saying.

"My Constantine, stop upsetting Christ and
our Virgin Mary, who weeps unceasingly for


I even thought of leaving home but something
kept me there...

"Hey, maybe he fell in love with you and is
behaving strangely like this," the other transvestites

told me.

"No, he doesn't show such moods" I replied.

Not to mention, I decided to invite crazy
John to the house in order to put an end to

all this.

I thought someone put it on purpose to drive
me crazy...

Crazy John responded positively to my invitation,
despite the fact that I had repeatedly flattered


I don't know what got into me that day and
I cleaned the house, cooked something sketchy,

and threw it into reading.

I was flipping through a magazine with various
topics and an article about an old man named

Porphyrio who served in a hospital chapel
in Omonia caught my attention...

I didn't have time to read it when I heard
crazy-John knocking on the door.

As soon as I opened it to him he said: "Blessed
be you, my Constantine, in this age and in

the future."

It was the first time I heard this greeting,
but also the first time I heard the demon

speaking from within me.

"Did you even come here to my house you crazy
to kick me out?

I am not alone, but I have the company of
365 other friends.

I'm not going to leave.

Go away because I will kill you."

Crazy John then raised a cross in front of
me and said.

"In the name of the Holy and consubstantial

I didn't hear anything else because I passed

When I came to, I saw Salo smiling at me.

I felt good that he was there but I didn't
know why.

“I have brought you a present, my Constantine.

It is the Psalter, a book written by King
and Prophet David."

What happened, what happened?

I asked.

"My Constantine, you are a great blessing.

Christ chose you.

It prepares you for great feats.

But you will have to fight hard because what
you have inside of you is not going to go

away easily."

If you could see the glow on the face of crazy
John, you would understand my fear.

I thought things about demons were nonsense.

I believed that they are a scribble of priests
and religion to scare people and suck easy

money, have fun, get rich, and such related.

And now that I have been a witness to their
action that is enviable for man...

Mad John has since become a brother and a

That same night I packed up all the women's
clothes and shoes and cosmetics and threw

them in the trash.

The next day I changed my phone...

With the help of Salo, I even got a job in
the accounting office of a large company.

The owner of the company was a friend of crazy John.

He hired me at a good salary.

At the same time, almost every day crazy-John
and I went to a temple high up in Hymettos

and the priest read the wishes of Basil the
Great (exorcisms) while crazy-John read psalms.

I can't describe to you what I experienced...

What I can now shout from my experience is
that homosexuality and prostitution, in general,

are not a difference nor a is
a terrible demon that angers the Almighty.

What I also want to tell you is that our holy
The church has the appropriate weapons to completely

exterminate all that which today our modernized
society considers as I once believed to be


The prayers of our neighborhood saint saved

Meeting him completely changed my life.

What I have experienced during the last five
years in this blessed neighborhood is a true

miracle of the triune and only true God.

I escaped through real hell and live in a
a world that I had never lived in even in my

wildest dreams.

With the constant support of this holy man
who was anything but crazy, I understood the

mistake, I realized things and situations
that are the foundations of our society, and

I got to know the love of Christ...

I was functioning as an addict to toxic substances,
I was no different from drug addicts, I was

living a nightmare, which was put to an end
by the madman - John this wonderful saint

of God.

I don't want to bore you with my story anymore.

After all, I am recording my whole story in
detail, as suggested by Mr. Anastasis.

I apologize to you and to the many victims
that I lured into the webs of iniquity, where

I was trapped...

I also apologize to my beloved Katerina, who
opened her arms to the most sinful of all

the world closed her ears to unfavorable
comments and fair criticisms, and accepted

my proposal to proceed with marriage...

He accepted to live with a zero, with a waste,
a baby.

And in our impending marriage, this holy man,
the madman - John, had invested with tears

and prayers...

Constantine's last words were lost in his

Papa Vassilis, who ran and hugged him, was
crying with him, as were all those present.

"I'm thinking, Papa-Vassilis, to leave the
neighborhood not for me but for Katerina,"

Konstantinos shouted with difficulty.

Then Pope-Vasilis took the floor and said:
"My beloved, Constantine has expressed the

desire to leave our neighborhood.

What do you say?

We will leave a living testimony of a miracle
of our late brother John, our Constantine,

and also our Katerina to leave;"

No, No... they all shouted.

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