Thursday, January 13, 2022

The flash of orthodoxy is coming, After a big slap

-The flash of the Church, my child, is the flash of Orthodoxy. But when we say Orthodoxy, we do not mean Orthodoxy in the strict sense of the term, Orthodoxy in Greece, because, as you also understand, Greece has knelt down to the devil.

-Yes. -There are very few who stood and those who are left are already being persecuted. Therefore, what Orthodoxy in Greece, which even changed the Bible, its "Creed", are we talking about? So, what does it mean, a resurgence of Orthodoxy? To return to the early Christian era, when even little girls, little children, out of their love for God and their faith in the Holy Trinity, were sacrificed! I am named Elpidius after my Hope, from a little girl of 9 years old, 10 years old. You know what it means for a 10-year-old along with her little sister who was 12 and the other 9, to say, "No, we are Christians! We don't want to sacrifice to idols!" And what did Caesar say? "Well, throw some incense over there, fool the world now, and then go home and sacrifice to Christ." And they said: "No, we believe in Christ and that is our faith." And they sacrificed themselves and became saints! We must ask ourselves now all of our clergy, chief priests, priests, deacons: Do we have this faith of the little children, who in divine love worshipped Christ and Orthodoxy shone? When we say Orthodoxy, we mean the faith that is right in the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and in the Son who rose from the dead on the third day. So if we do not believe these things, we are not talking about Orthodoxy. Well, that's the mistake that many Catholics and many Orthodox are making right now. What does it mean to flash? A glimpse means... the events that will follow, which will be horrific and I hope I never have to comment on what's coming from here on out, about the infidelity and the oligarchy of clergy and laity, politicians, who, while showing themselves to be Christians, are satanic Christian leaders! So what will happen at this moment? What if we do not change course, we will perish. But the flash will happen. When we say flashback, we mean that something goes to extinction and the flame is lit again. -Yes. -Now what do you perceive, that the Church as it is, as we all live... -It's going out. -Well done. Is she the one who expresses Christ? -As it is now, no. -So we're the only ones who understand it. Well, God will allow it on a global level, to be seen by Orthodox, Catholics, all nations..., because once we Catholics and Orthodox were one. Now we are divided. Do you have the feeling that Catholics too do not understand the great errors that are happening within their own Church? So, there will come a flash of light after this, the great event, which I don't want to comment on at the moment, we don't have the time, there will be such a spiritual world flood that will take Catholics, Orthodox, everybody. And then, and then, and then... -Could this great event be an earthquake? -An earthquake doesn't change that, son. What will happen, what will happen, will be of such a form that those who remain will seek the truth in its primary state! That is, in the original, as the Creed was when the Creed was written. Catholics will become Orthodox and the Orthodox will become more Orthodox. -Is this event close? -Then will begin the worldwide revival, all Christians will begin to unite in love with the true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in divine love, as my little Elpidula, my Agape, all those saints, Katerina, Marina, Christina, Barbara, loved Him. What was all this? Little girls 15, 16, 16, 17, 18 years old. These girls, my child, these little boys, George, Demetrius, all of them, will one-day shame church leaders who play dudes before God and have not understood that they have humiliated Christ himself! They have humiliated Christ himself! They have humiliated the Church! They have made the Immaculate Christ defiled! They put conditions and acquiesce to political choices, driven by the evil spirit, and close the churches! They have gone so far as to forbid the clergy to exercise the right of confession! To marry! To baptize! Who has that right? Do you think the churches belong to us, the ecclesiastics? They belong to Christ! The church belongs to God, my child. And when we say church, we don't mean the ecclesiastics. We mean Christ and the people. If they haven't understood that for so long, now in what is coming, there will be a great flash. Because all over the world, all over the world, I tell you this to let you know... For a long time here, and in Africa when I was in Africa, it was said and said and said again, after I said, "But what will happen? What will happen? What will happen?" There will be such events that the whole thing you see, the rotten structure, will be torn down, like in the time of Elijah. In the time of the

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