For those who believe is just aliens of outer space who have created everything?.I Say God has created Anyone of us. AND can give his own interpretation,about what might understand from one picture,on the ground or into the sky.Our limi6ted IQ has made A-lot of mistakes so far... .Hitler has started with the occult,and the manufacture of UFO several years ago and they continue nowadays in AREA 51.There is demonic and human manufacturer.Is not just the one and we eliminate the other?We have the existence of both.Th
,...If they cannot express,themselves,And say for instance...we come in peace✋😅Aliens=Demonic beings.There can be no abduction when you use the name of Jesus. Doesn't this say something to you?
The advanced weapons you see nowadays=Was made up lets say 50 years ago,can you imagine nowadays?You will see this soon on your screens=Τρίτο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο
You will see high speed aircraft,They will take everything out all kind of weapons,And the world you know now,,will go back 200 years from the disaster
THE POWER OF THE ELITE=LUCIFERIAN Many have not even realized the potential of the New World Order to be introduced in our mind and know exactly what we think, something systematic experiments for decades. Besides, it is obvious that it is no longer sufficient administrative supervision, and employs the direct control of thought and opinion, as we know, "thoughts become acts
The extraterrestrials of our time match the demons and the fallen angels mentioned in the Bible as to their behavior.
As the Bible offers strangers, they never confirm the deity of Christ nor claim to come to his name.
Aliens change their stories to deceive people into believing their lies. An example of this is that before people came out or sent the satellites there, aliens could claim to be the planets like Jupiter in our solar system. As time passed and the man learned more about our planet, we realized that no one could live on a planet like Jupiter, so the aliens changed their story. They now claim to come from other solar systems and star clusters, such as Andromeda and the Pleiades.
Although the aliens said to go, they seem to have to survive, just as fallen angels need people to plunder.
The foreign abductions stopped by invoking the name of Jesus.
Aliens bring ideas to the earth to help people join the world in a new era of consciousness. This combination opens the way for their leader (who is the Antichrist), makes mankind forget his religion and beliefs in their countries.
Aliens are often called "newcomers" and occultists, unlike Christians. This is not always the case, as people from all walks of life come into contact with "strangers". However, I think these "space brothers" are not very interested.
Aliens do not contradict their loved ones, as people can also deny their creator (God). Instead of claiming that the creators. This serves to pull man away from God.
Aliens give human technology, but these "achievements" are usually devastating. There are secret plans of many governments in their budget, which usually concern the creation of new weapons systems. Much of the technology for such weapons is said to come from aliens. Why do strangers never give us the technology that saves lives?
Aliens often emit terrible odors, such as sulfur. Christians believe not only in the immortality of the soul and the resurrection
of the body. According to God's proposal in our first creation, the human soul and the
human body is intertwined and no one can be right without the other. SA
As a consequence of the fall, the death of the body, these two separate, but this separation is
permanent and permanent. At the Second Coming of Christ we will be resurrected from the dead with the soul
us and our body. So, having the soul with the body again, we will advance
to our Lord for the final judgment.
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