he said that the events will begin with a state anomaly
which will lead to the withdrawal of international capital from the
country, resulting in the dismissal of employees and
poverty, you now you think that such a thing seems
non-existent you think it is an appearance what does it mean state
anomaly and what is the international capital that will withdraw from the country
and the country will starve so that the Turks will find an opportunity to invade
our country I leave the answers in the near year to the near year but it will make you
a little suspicious with what he was saying and blessed old
and holy paisios the saint that means you will have a government and it will be
as if you don't have a blessed paisios the old paisios used to say that before
the events start people will congratulate the
politicians and stone them
also old paisios said these things in times when there was no
suspicion that they can happen in times
of prosperity old paisios the saint fell asleep in 94 not there was such
a case then we were in a
growth period pay attention to what the old paisios said they will give you a lot of money first
so that they force the citizens to take loans and then they will impose
difficult conditions on you so that you cannot pay them but also they will not
have time to collect these taxes because the events will begin
they imposed on our country a very large public external public debt so
big that not only can we not pay off the debt, but
we can't even catch up with the interest on this loan
. program of extermination until
I die, they will constantly impose new legal measures, unbearable taxes, uncollected taxes
and many other measures so as to make the people
indignant, remember the indignant ones, this is what Father
Paisios said even before, of course, and since his death when there was no chance
and if an economic analyst, someone who deals with finances, a journalist, a political person said it,
they would mock him
and we were all mocking father paisius who had the prescient gift saw the
events of today will make the hare indignant what will happen then after
this state anomaly the capital will be withdrawn
the employees will be sold the turks will find an opportunity to make a challenge against
of our country and then we will be hungry provocation against our country how
can they make a provocation when you attack your enemy when
he is strong when he is financially strong or when he has nothing when
he is penniless when can someone get hit on
a house at an auction when the person who owns the house
owes it or when he is financially independent and pays his installments
to the bank the installments for the house no one can take it I have a house
I have a lot of money I give you give it to me normally no one can take it from me
my neighbor can't take my house whatever if he is jealous of it
when will he take when I have reached complete economic impoverishment then it is
απλώς ότι θα κάνει την κίνηση στην κίνηση ματ
έκπληξη με και να πετύχει το αποτέλεσμα λέει παλιά mos
παΐσιος όταν ακούς να μιλάνε για τα έξι μίλια για την επέκταση του
μίλια από 6 έως 12 τότε ο πόλεμος έρχεται από πίσω είναι αυτό που λέει ο κόσμος
Τολό αυτό σημαίνει ότι οι Τούρκοι θα φτάσουν μέχρι και έξι μίλια και μετά θα το κάνουν
να καταστραφεί έξι μίλια είναι κάθε σημείο που είναι έξι
ναυτικά μίλια από τις ακτές της Ελλάδας μέχρι ένα μίλι είναι δικό μας
μπορούμε να τα επεκτείνουμε με βάση το διεθνές δίκαιο από 6 σε 12 έως
μεγαλώνουμε τις θάλασσές μας μας δίνει το δικαίωμα
διεθνής νομιμότητα διεθνές δίκαιο να επεκτείνει το σπίτι μας από 6 σε 12
και τότε όλη η θάλασσα γίνεται δική μας και την εκμεταλλευόμαστε
εκμεταλλευόμαστε τι παράγει η θάλασσα τι παράγει η θάλασσα ψάρι τι
βγάζει πετρέλαιο από κάτω φυσικό αέριο είναι δικό μας υπάρχει ανεξάρτητο
πεδίο πετρελαίου και φυσικού αερίου ικανό να υποστηρίξει την ελληνική παραγωγή
η Ελλάδα μια οικονομική υπερδύναμη όλα αυτά σε συνδυασμό με
επιδιώξεις της Τουρκίας η υποβάθμιση της γεωστρατηγικής της αξίας και η ανάγκη
να υπερασπιστεί την ικανότητά της να παρεμβαίνει στις εξελίξεις στο εγγύς μέλλον
και σενάρια για περιπέτειες στη Μέση Ανατολή
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