Sunday, April 9, 2023


ORTHODOXY is the only true religion!
ORTHODOXY is the only true religion! All other so-called "Christian churches" have changed too many things in Christianity. Catholicism changes and adjusts the doga every day (metaphor, but you get the idea). Orthodoxy has remained pure and unchanged since the 7 ecumenical councils at the dawn of Christianity. The Catholics left us, and after them, the Protestants split from them and moved further away from the true essence of Christianity, and then the Anglicans, Pentecostals, Baptists, etc, etc... Now there are hundreds or even thousands of so-so's called "Christian churches"; Catholics are the origin of all heresies today. It's a saying... "There were three great falls in history: 1) The fall of Satan 2) The fall of Adam 3) The fall of the first Pope in 1054! " But the Truth is only one, and it is found in the one and only Church founded by the 12 apostles. The Orthodox Church. Orthodox = The Correct Faith Orthodox = Correct, Unchanging Doctrine, Faith All the thousands of so-called Christian churches that started with Catholicism have lost their Apostolic origins. The Holy Fire (Greek, Agios Phos, literally "Holy Light") is a miracle that occurs every year at the Holy Sepulchre Church in Jerusalem on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. It is considered by many to be the longest-running annual miracle in the Christian world, although the event has only been recorded consecutively since 1106. In many Orthodox countries around the world, the event is broadcast live on television.

Orthodox, or Catholics
Sanctification "is also performed by the priests of Catholic Christians. But the water that is sanctified by their priests is no different from ordinary water. It is corrupted and decayed.

Around the 18th century, something happened in Romania that upset the Christians there. The Catholics told the Orthodox: "We have the truth, you have the error".

The Orthodox said the same thing to the Catholics.

Great conflicts broke out.

The two leaders of the Churches (the Orthodox Archbishop and the Cardinal) met and said: "We must do something to calm the spirits". Both men and women decided to have the service of Holy Communion.

They took (each one separately) the turn. They sealed the two swimming pools with "Holy Water".

The Orthodox said to the Catholic: If our Holy Communion is spoiled and yours is not, then we are in error and you are in Truth. But if yours fails, then you are wrong. "

The Catholics accepted it.

They agreed to open the "bath

houses" after forty days.

Not even ten days passed and the Virgin Mary appeared to the Orthodox Archbishop, and said: "Run! Take the Cardinal, go to the church to check on the Consecration".

They went. And what did they see? The Catholics' holy water smelled unbearable. From the Orthodox it was spotless.

This great event is depicted in a fresco in the Romanian Patriarchate in Bucharest.

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Some say, "If I don't see a miracle, I don't believe in God." You tell them: "Isn't holy water a miracle? Why doesn't it break? They say, "It's the king's fault, the priest put it on." You say to them: "Put a king in." They don't.


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