Monday, September 26, 2022


There will one day be a tsar who will glorify me [tsar Nicholas II glorified St. Seraphim in 1903], then there will be a huge upheaval in Russia, and a lot of blood will be shed, because they will rebel against the tsar and the monarchy, but God will glorify (sanctify) the tsar. More than half a century will pass…”

“Then sinners will be proud. This will happen without shame. The Lord, seeing the unrepentant malice in their hearts, will permit their works for a little while, but their sins will return upon their heads, and the immorality of their pernicious schemes will fall upon them. The Russian land will turn red from the rivers of blood ." "Before the birth of the Antichrist there will be a great, protracted war and a terrible revolution in Russia, beyond all human imagination, and the bloodshed will be incalculable." "The Ryazan and Pugachev revolutions and the French Revolution will be nothing compared to what will happen in Russia." Before the birth of the Antichrist, there will be a great, protracted war and a terrible revolution in Russia, beyond all human imagination, and the bloodshed will be incalculable "Many people who are loyal to their homeland will perish, and the properties of the Church and monasteries will be robbed. The churches of the Lord will be defiled. Good people will be robbed and killed, and rivers of Russian blood will flow. But the Lord will take pity on Russia and bring her from the path of great tribulation to glory." "The Lord revealed to me, to me the unfortunate Seraphim, that there will be great tribulation in the Russian land and the Orthodox faith will be trampled underfoot and the hierarchs of the Church of God and the clergy will deviate from the purity of Orthodoxy." And for this, the Lord will punish them severely. I, the unhappy Seraphim, begged the Lord for three days and three nights, better let him deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven, but let him have pity on them. But the Lord answered: "I will show them no mercy, because they teach doctrines of men and because their tongue honors me, but their heart is far from me." “The Lord commanded that I, poor Seraphim, am to live much longer than 100 years (he fell asleep at the age of 73, in 1833). Until that time the Russian hierarchs will become so impious that they will no longer believe even in the most important doctrine of the Christian Faith, the Resurrection of Christ and the Resurrection of the dead. Therefore it will be the desire of the Lord and God to take me from life for a while and then, for the establishment of faith in the Resurrection, to resurrect me and my resurrection will be like the resurrection of the seven youths in the cave of Okhlon. After my resurrection, I will go from Sarov to Diveyevo, where I will teach universal repentance. In this great miracle, people will gather in Diveyevo from all over the Earth, and there, preaching repentance, I will reveal four relics. Then, Diveyevo will be a world miracle, from where the Lord will send the Light of Salvation not only to Russia but also to the whole world, in the days of the Antichrist. I will reveal four relics and I will lie among them until the fifth. But then the end of everything will come." “I think the 8th millennium will pass. I think it will pass... Everything will pass and the end will come. And the monasteries will be destroyed, but the bloodless sacrifice of the poor Seraphim in Diveyevo will be celebrated until the day of the coming of the Lord." "Constantinople and Jerusalem will be inhabited by the powers of Russia and others. From the breakup of Turkey, the most part will go to Russia, and Russia with the united forces from many other states will take Vienna and about 7 million Viennese will remain under the house of Habsburg and there the territory of the Austrian empire will be built. In France, for her love of the Mother of God, the sweet Virgin Mary, 17 million French people will be sacrificed, together with her capital, in the city of Rheims, while Paris will be completely destroyed. When the Russian empire receives 170 million as a donation, we should expect the appearance of the Antichrist. 1) The Antichrist will be born in Russia, between St. Petersburg and Moscow, in a great city, which will be created after the union of all Slavic tribes with Russia. It will be the second capital of the Russian kingdom and will be called "Moscow-Petrograd" or "the City of the End", a name that will be given to it by the Lord himself, God, the Holy Spirit, who sees everything from afar". 2) Before the birth of the Antichrist, an 8th Ecumenical Synod should have been established for all the churches under one Head, Christ, and under the Veil of Protection of the Mother of the Lord (according to St. Nile the Myroblite: " a final and eighth Ecumenical Council will be held to deal with the differences with the Heresies and to separate the wheat from the chaff). Its purpose will be to unite and reunite all the Holy Churches of Christ

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