Friday, July 12, 2024

Morphou Neophytos Prophecies and prophecy that are not lies... 23 10 2023

so before he bombards it, he also says something

else that should concern us, he is

hard to find, they are making Palestine a stadium and then the dead

the sea will become their grave, who will their grave be, what do you
understand, Mr. Demopoulos, I don't know, yes so you

know and I don't want to say leave some

mysteries like that if the morpho says all that he either interprets or studies or

was told or said to him and modern holy people exist the sacred spirit didn't

die he inspires other people who are living then they will take us to

some geostrategic center and we will

need a lightsaber to repent first me and then you and the people who will

listen to us to continue because it is interesting that the prophecy of the

Saint Paisio so the first half will be this he says of the great war

Middle East let's go to some others

it's not only Saint Paisius the second half to close it

wait no in the first half there is another prophecy of another yes why

don't you know and the internet knows this you are coming after the fact you

learn them, the point is I don't know what to believe what exists in I don't

care what you want to believe believe it's your problem if I make you think not the

holy spirit makes you open your heart to confess and be

cleansed and then it will faith begin to visit you and faith is not

cerebral, no, it is a wise affair, so another modern

man of God in Crete in the Agiofarango, a Samiot, the origin

of Father Nilos, Theodoros Nilos, he fell asleep

4-5 years ago and lived in his turbans in the Agiofarango, Crete ascetic

ascetic former priest and he used to say

where you sit quietly drinking your coffee you will hear one morning that

Israel hit the nuclear program of Persia, and then my children all

the great events prophesied not only by Saint Paisius too many saints

I tell you we want a series of broadcasts so that we can put

all these saints not only the Greeks of many ethnicities but even

American saints who became saints therefore men of God so where you will be

sitting he says you will hear that or Israel print co-program of Persia this

has already been done once it has already happened once a few years ago then he says he says

something more than half a minute so this has already happened

once a few years ago yes yes yes of course Israel now and then strikes victims

when Hamas struck the festival they held those poor

children what happened save them and all the websites I became for the barbaric Arabs

Palestinian Hamas you have a lot and you don't gather when Israel strikes

and kills children it is for its protection it is for its defense

how many Jewish prisoners I want to say it is also the media and many governments

especially in the Western world, this is another pope's

gospel, he says something that did not become

a law, he says at the same time, the same man of God, Father Theodore,

that this strike will take place on the nuclear program of Persia, either shortly

before or after this but at about the same time Erdogan will fall

In Turkey how he will fall we don't know the

man is sick but many are consulting him for his

excellent diplomacy he gets along well with everyone and makes

a profit from everyone he was for a merchant

first so this is the first half with which two

and other men of God describe us but let's stay with the two and then say after

that there will be a pause a relative

peace but very very short it will not be long duration and the second

half which will be the most tragic for all

humanity as much as it will make us Greeks happy whether in Greece or

Cyprus is that the second half of the great world war will

be held in Constantinople at the Bosphorus Straits so they say in the straits

it doesn't say exactly that, it says in straits the straits will narrow

when we were reading them I didn't know

what it meant either for the Treaty of Montreux or Lausanne that Erdogan would challenge it and ask for

a renegotiation from the Prime Minister of Greece Mr. Mitsotakis with her

Russia is still friends and they cooperate in the bazaars, and

yet the saints prophesy that the time will come when Russia will

be so outraged by the Turkish policy at the time that it will strike Turkey in

all its lengths and backs, both by sea and by land. something

I forgot to say that the Turks will close the
straits in Russia, this will be the reason that

Russia will be enraged and when Erdogan falls, another generation of politicians will emerge,

these are the words of the Holy Father that I am saying

now which will not have the ottoman

the policy of Sultan Tap Erdogan but will have a pro-western line it will be

clumsy he says this will not be skillful like Erdogan they will be clumsy they are

the ones who will attempt the six miles I told you before

are they who will close the straits, not Ertoğan

, and other things that those who are not present will try to do,

let's talk, but think about there are saints who said

by name which islands the Turks will attack, how many days they will do, but I

will not I want to go into details like this so we know what will happen?

Greece says it won't take part even small Cyprus is certain in this all the

persecution of humanity when we asked a saint what

I'm going to say now matters because you hear about wars huh and rather let them be called

men of God who became ascetics to obtain peace and

in the peace of the Lord, we pray for the peace from above that heaven may unite them

with their body with their soul and make peace from their passions

and so they are praying for us more loudly so that we may have peace, glory

be to God and peace on earth, and suddenly you hear what

God is revealing a huge world war and we went to ask the

old lady of Galactia that she is a modern saint and they said the same

with Paisios, I have published a book, I will give it to you by the old galactides, inside

you will read it and what he told us, listen, my children, the war will be made by the people

who led

humanity with the abortions with the unnatural things that happen inside and

outside of marriage satanism

that the internet and Facebook, that is, Facebook, are spreading

everywhere, there is not a mind left that will not be infected in

humanity if this great war does not take place

in the impasse caused by our sin which we chose, let's

not put it all on the order of things or in America or Russia

all of us have chosen a sinful way and you think and act therefore

and the worst thing is not the sinfulness of the mind of man from

his youth lies in wickedness the worst thing is that we do not repent and

we are also about we have this way and with

pride parades and educational programs of this nature so because

he says there is so much impenitence to

preserve the human species that God made God will grant God will

allow this great war to take place you listen

but he tells you that he does not it will make sense, she says, because this technology that

they have all developed, she says, and with all this disrespect and

immorality, the perpetuation of the human species will not make sense, I say to her,

and I have aged well, because the human species must, and well, even

with such a tragic operation with so many people dying and

cultural works of art being destroyed with entire countries nations telling us yes another holy man

Ephraim of Arizona the time has come for the nations to pay the

bills like you go and eat and then you have to

pay now every nation past France you will pay how will

I pay what you did to the poor Africans with your colonialism come

the immigrants will break you up come Italy you made the world

wars you will pay now how will I pay my Christ with these geophysical

phenomena and recessions and earthquakes you understand come to America the great Babylon

who prophesied about Saint John the theologian 2,000 years ago the

Americans know this you will pay the highest possible

price with drowning and drowning from your shores that will

provoke various modern weapons that the Russians call these

Poseidon bombs and in the names you hear that will

raise waves of enormous height and hit like a tsunami, that is, on

the shores of America, the holy elder Ephraim of the zone that

he built in America saw these 20 monasteries and all the American Orthodox now and

not only Greeks are hanging from these monasteries so he saw them he

also saw the strength of

America's galaktia is my interpretation this will happen

approximately approximately no we don't know the year but

the time when the great war between Russia

and Western countries will be going on at the Bosphorus Strait, then

the Westerners will even hear that there was a terrible geophysical

the phenomenon in America that America now said the saintly

elder Basil of Kausokalyvite listen to how beautifully America said it in two words

there will be another Russian

saint, let's not stop at Saint Paisius, we are doing him an injustice, that is, we are loading all the

para philology and false prophets and false prophecy,

we are loading them on Saint Paisius, no, it is unfair to the saint, so many

others have said the same and more before Paisius, Saint Aristocles,

now I remember him, he lived in Odessa and in Moscow, a Russian, and for a while he

was an ascetic in the monastery of the Russian monastery of the Holy Mount, what did he say and

what did he say, America, when did he say this, that's awesome, on 18

1918, ah America you will feed the whole world and you will

be hungry but who said he is not hungry yet anyway so ask the

americans you say that ask the Americans how much

the price of wheat oil has risen do you want me to tell you a prophecy that

I have written here yes cute, good, the

holy elder, kingdom, the kausokalyvite, their myth

, so he said these things around before

2000, evil will come from the West and

quickly the heathens will dominate, they will make monsters and signs,

heresies will happen civil war, this means Greece, but also in America, there will

be a civil war in political anarchy in

elections, that is, because they will not want to hand over the

spoon, the big cities will be affected mainly, and blood will be spilled on both

sides, innocent blood will be spilled, but it will not last many days it will be in the fingers

On one hand, all the states will be against Greece and they will want to

conquer it but the only thing they will succeed in is conquering themselves

but listen to the one who tells me you tell me a prophecy that came true listen to

what the saint here but be aware that without a

rifle being fired they will enslave us, we will sleep free and

wake up enslaved by what our

politicians will sign and accept, alas for the young people

then they will sow and not reap but what a great

the reason they will great misery has fallen many young people will leave immigration due to

unemployment and the last in a short

time we will have a new class who then know the term new class

before 2000 and listen now to the critic who

did it and mandi nada in a short time we will have a new

class with an electronic class junta what we are

already living and we got a taste with the covid eh class me the bread 10 and the oil will

fly desan go now to buy oil the

tin in Greece 200€ yesterday I was taken by a spiritual man

who lived in Saudi Arabia he says we were buying Greek oil from the

riat markets €6.5, now I went the day before yesterday it says

€145 and the foreigners go up, he means the

immigrants and the ones we have to corner everyone who is the biggest po man of

Cyprus and Greece will God drive them out, Aron

Aaron will give them many incurable diseases that they will be afraid of and

leave, they will say that the god of

Greece does not want us here, now my friends, the socialists and Syrians, and others here

are saying that he is xenophobic,

he has a human, Galatia Kazantzakis who expresses

today's image of our politician is becoming the sinner, this is what

the poem is called, you will find it, and what does your image say,

I am society and I look like you,

this is what the man of color believes and wants it to be like that, and the last question to

Let's end the war now that it's going on. What do you see? What

do I



wait for it how and how as an occasion what we say in Cyprus occasion

help me excellent beautiful occasion bloody

but when you are a Jew or an Arab of Islam they have

a common they except the common progenitor the patriarch Abraham

an eye for

an eye can not my child Israel Netanyahu especially now that

his throne is shaking don't

hit Iran Persia

behind what is happening

Iran is coming so Iran is the center

of Islamic fanaticism, it also has a gas station

but many in Lebanon are now lurking they already

started yesterday and they are also striking in northern Israel, and both of them did not see,

do you understand what all the saints are not doing now,

the protection measures are not enough for him to do now, and geopolitical analyses

are enough for me, or the prophetic word of the saints what I see him now from prophecies making


with him what I see is that the next one will be Iran they will

strike the Jews can't help but strike otherwise they are not Jews

you understand what I mean and he is very Jewish the Netanyahu

zionist like that

we will wait for when this will be done it may take some months

and neither the Arab nor the

Islamist nor the Jew forgets


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