Friday, March 11, 2022


which is happening now in Greece and throughout
the world, is not a simple usurpation of the

wealth of people and states by some creditors.

Behind them, there is a broader plan of Lucifer
to dominate over the whole planet, overall

mankind and overall states, so that he can
fulfill his age-old evil plan to become this

leader of the human race.

it will dominate our hearts, in the place
of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, do not think that things are that

Our creditors are not ordinary people, common
moneylenders, as we say, but they are thieves

of souls who act on behalf of someone.

But all those who want to do this evil do
not think that there are too many.

They are very few.

So few that I could tell you that they are
almost five.

They are the so-called pentarchy of the patriarchs
of darkness.

Our Church, when our Lord Jesus Christ came
and founded it, do you know what he did?

He put five ecclesiastical leaders to govern

I will tell you so simply to understand them.

These five leaders were: The patriarchs of
Rome, Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and


That is, we have the pentarchy of the patriarchs.

So these five patriarchs, an institution that
was thus determined to be discussed, the pentarchy

of the patriarchs, was the one that governed
and constituted the structure of our Church.

What is the purpose of our Church?

These five Churches are intended to bring
people close to God, into His arms, and to

unite each person with their God.

To do what Christ Himself said: "Abide in
us, and in us" (Jn 15:4).

to save people.

These five Churches constituted the structure
of our entire Church.

Of course, after the schism Rome withdrew,
it was left alone and the other four Churches

remained united.

The three main areas of the pentarchy of darkness,
lead people to universal subordination to

the authority and embrace of Lucifer

In the type of this pentarchy of the patriarchs
of light, which are these five Churches, or

rather that they constituted, because I told
you that Rome left there and there remained

four, Lucifer built a corresponding structure
of his own "church", which through the economy

would lead people to a global submission to
his authority and to his throne.

And while the Church of Christ is intended
to bring people into the arms of God, the

"church" of Lucifer as its purpose is to bring
people into his arms.

Do you know how he would do that?

He would do it in many ways:

1st The economy

One of the ways, the most basic of course,
is the economy.

He would like food to control people.

Remember what people did when Christ performed
the miracle by multiplying the pieces of bread?

always elevate to thrones, to prime ministers,
and to presidents of states, those who believe

in their opinion that they are the best to
help them have enough food and have a comfortable,

prosperous life.

So that's what Satan wants to use to subdue

And so he made the famous pentarchy of the
patriarchs, of darkness.

It is five large families that are currently
running the economy throughout the world.

These people, some known and others unknown,
form as a whole the top of the pyramid, which

runs the whole world on a political, moral,
and economic level and is now preparing at

a pan-religious level.

They are of course using common education
for all of us, through the TV.

You see all of them have used the most important
means to be able to achieve their goal and

are still struggling to complete it.

In other words, their program is in progress.

This program is, as I said, mainly about enslaving
the world through food.

That is why soon, you will see it, everything
will be controlled in terms of food.

You will not be able to eat what you want.

Nor will you be able to cultivate the land
as you want.

Everything will be controlled by them.

From them you will buy the plants, from them
your merchandise will be controlled and from

them, it will then pass to the trade that
you produce.

Besides, we know all that we have heard from
time to time through the new legislation that

imposes on people.

I would say it is better that these laws prohibit
everyone from cultivating themselves.

They want everything to always be in relation
to the state.

This is the one way, the one method, the one
way, that would lead people to power and into

the arms of Lucifer.

2nd The directional broadcast media and advertisements
The other way you know who it is?

It is the consolidation of the necessity of
all these purposes, through the education

they give us, through television, and generally
through the directed broadcasting and their

advertisements, so that there is no reaction.

But this will be done and will be extended
little by little through schools.

I am not just talking about Greece, I speak
on a global level.

Do not think that children now that they go
to school, will be able to eat what their

parents give them.


Soon everything will be controlled!

They will impose what your child will eat!

They will decide what vaccines they should

Because their main purpose is not just the
well-being of the people, but the control

of society and the population.

And after exercising such control, they will
forbid parents to have power over their children.

It will be a modern satanic child mass!

3rd The population alteration of states
Of course, these cannot be achieved easily

through the states, because each state has
a cohesion that has been defined so far at

least by the ecclesiastical life of the country.

That is, people like Christians think differently,
just as Muslims, Buddhists, and various other

religions have a different culture.

But here in our country and in many Christian
states, everything had the influence of the

Christian life, of Christian preaching, with
the result that these five evil patriarchs

of darkness could not impose as they wished
their thoughts, their ideology, and their

purposes in this world.

Do you know that they would achieve this?

They would create wars somewhere else or internal
conflicts, i.e. civil wars, and they would

promote illegal immigration.

Every Christian has a love for the distressed.

Because they know our ideology and our feelings
very well, they want to control and use them.

So they knew that we in every single Christian
have a love for the distressed.

Because they know our ideology and our feelings
very well, they want to control and use them.

They knew that we in every single Christian
have a love for the distressed.

Because they know our ideology and our feelings
very well, they want to control and use them.

So they knew that we in every single Christian
have a love for the distressed.

Because they know our ideology and our feelings
very well, they want to control and use them.

So they knew that we in every single Christian
have a love for the distressed.

Because they know very well our ideology and
our feelings, they want to control and use


So they knew that we in every single Christian
have a love for the distressed.

Because they know our ideology and our feelings
very well, they want to control and use them.

They knew that we in every single Member of
us in every single Member of the World.

Because they know very well our ideology and
our feelings, they want to control and use


So they knew that in every distress, we would
show compassion.

And what did they do?

They pushed through internal conflicts many
people to leave their places and come into

the Christian states.

However, these Christian states did not welcome
Christians, but Muslims and other religions,

so they were currently altering the population
situation of these states.

A simple example to understand: we as Greece
are about nine to ten million.

So at the moment at about ten million, there
are between two and three to three and a half

million illegal immigrants!

Some are registered and others are not.

Do you immediately understand the alteration?

And do you know what they are going to tell

"But you know, you have to avoid racism, and
to avoid racism you have to welcome, integrate

into your society all these illegal immigrants."

These illegal immigrants, however, are not
all good people, but they are also people

who are swamped, who have come here at this
moment and want to actually alter even our


To corrupt our religion!

They want to change the overall picture of
our state's faith!

That is why we will see in the future many
such concerns expressed, but it is also with

the fear that we will now watch the revolutions
of these illegal immigrants, who will claim

both equality and their own temples, which
will be the centers of their revolution, all

this is done with a great deal of art by these
patriarchs of darkness, who cannot tolerate

our Christian existence, our Christian life.

They are essentially fighting it, our Christian
existence, because Lucifer is fighting Christ.

That is why they want to alter the population
of the Christian states.

You will soon hear how the population states
will be corrupted to such a terrible point

that we do not know whether there will soon
be the Christian faith and the Christian religion

as it is now, but they will also sow a great
deal of fear among Christians, because whenever

Christians revolt and say 'but what are you
doing?' then the others will come and create

such terrible vindictive situations, that
will kill Christians and create great problems

for Christian communities, so that out of
fear many will become neutral at first and

later they will change their faith!

You will see these!

In our country, this has already begun; unfortunately,
our wise politicians do not take a gander,

because they are also, to say it with the
most conventional favorable words that I could

use for them, naïve and understand nothing,
do not feel and do not sense politically what

they are going to do in our country.

Unless they themselves, by the system now
and by internal acceptance, they want this

thing to be done.

But then they will know that as traitors they
will be characterized by the Christian subjects

of this Greek Christian state.

So there is my friends, a pentarchy of the
patriarchs of darkness, who wants to subdue

the world, through food, the grabbing of the
wealth of states, and the confusion of ideas

in the three main areas, namely faith, nationality,
and morality.

Through faith, they want to prepare the role
of pan-religion.

Through illegal immigration, the alteration
of nationality.

And through the ideological confusion of morality,
to impose various anti-Christian laws, which

will directly contradict the law of the gospel.

This, of course, will later have the effect
of wanting to change the gospel, or rather

the critical points of the Gospel that oppose
these laws of theirs, so that there is supposedly

in the name of love and peace a world religion
of love, a global policy and a global social

course, through the supposed diversity of
these various ethnicities that gather in one


This means that the darkness pentarchy uses
to fulfill its

plans All the things I mentioned earlier will
be achieved in two ways.

Firstly through television and all the broadcasting
media, which will be special training in the

broadcasting media.

Secondly, they will succeed by imposing coercive
laws and the common army of the earthly federation

they will create.

Their aim and their purpose are not only for
Greece to collapse, as we will see in a moment

but for the whole planet to submit to the
plans of this pentarchy of the patriarchs

of darkness, through the financial capacity
that they impose their will on the whole world

and will impose it with the common army that
they will soon create; do not think that at

the moment it is Germany that controls us,
these are not truths.

All states have leaders who unite in the realization
of the new order!

Quite simply, all these "wants" of the patriarchs
of darkness are made by their own specially

trained leaders, whose purpose is in the first
instance to unite supposedly in one unity.

Do you know how this is interpreted?

"We are all children a unity", so we were
told at the beginning with the EEC.

"But now with these mistakes that you are
making, you have to grant us sovereignty,

territorial, political, social, and soon banking."

You'll see them, they'll be done!

Banking section!

And while we say, "ah, did you see what Germany
is doing to us?"

behind Germany will be hidden these secret
organizations that are spread throughout the

world, but all of which are again controlled
by the pentarchy of the patriarchs of the

the darkness of Lucifer, the new order of things.

This pentarchy of the patriarchs of darkness,
I will say it and I will say it again, corresponding

to the ecclesiastical pentarchy that I have
just spoken to you, is the basis on which

the whole world will unite in an unholy alliance,
in a common policy, in common social life,

in a common currency, which at first will
be a currency and later the money will be

electronic, that everything will be subjugated
to this banking common pentarchy of the patriarchs

of darkness because they are bankers.

These are people who keep the whole world
through the economy and all the Heads of State

cannot do anything without their approval.

And if they decide to do something, they have
to get their permission.

If they want to go the other way, they will
get them out.

They have ways to smear them, fray them, dishonor
them, and drive them away.

There is no one at the moment who goes against

And those who will go, will collapse and be

That is the essence of things: so this pentarchy
of the patriarchs of darkness, who are patriarchs,

they are economic families, they want to gradually
pass their plans through the control of the

a society that is taking place, through the
broadcasting media and the imposition through

the common army that will soon exist.

already determined by them.

But then it will be a common army.

It will be the UN army as we call it, but
it will not be called the UN.

The UN will collapse.

The UN is counting days!

A new world system will rise, more or less
called, an earthly federation; there will

be a common leader, the one who will supposedly
come out of the world and will be the famously

expected Antichrist.

So through common politics, common religion,
common economy, the common army, common pedagogy,

they will direct the whole world into the
arms of Lucifer.

The plans for the war have been signed, and
the war has begun!

Do you know when these events will take place?

But they have already begun; these events
that we have said about Syria, Persia, Egypt,

and Israel.

The kid's war doesn't start the day the bombs

The war begins at the time when the plans
of the war are signed and the plans of that

war is there, they have already been signed!

The war has secretly begun!

The question of time is what God sometimes
frustrates or changes the time to better prepare

His children, because of the prayers of many
hidden saints who beg God to help His children,

His bowels.

But that doesn't change!

That is what will happen!

In fact, this war has now begun at the world
level, through the economy, which is very


Do you not think that it is a little thing
to hear on television, that you do not hear

everything, of course, that more than four
thousand people have died by suicide!!!!

Moreover, in a moment, hundreds of thousands
of people, not to say millions of people,

will lose their homes!

they will lose their ability to survive!

they will lose their dignity!

They will lose their dignity!

They will lose the possibility of dreaming
for the future!

the vulture was photographed by a photographer
in Africa, who in this photograph I had seen,

showed a vulture in a deserted place and next
to it a dying skeletal child.

Wait for the vulture to die the child, to
devour it!

This is what these "vultures" want.

They are waiting to take the wealth of these
people since you bring them to the brink of


That is why the whole world will suffer greatly.

But he will suffer very much...

"We will be very humiliated because we have
not entrusted the life of our country to God,

but to the political leaders"

We must understand that we cannot lean on
all these leaders, who unfortunately the leaders

we voted for, there they believe, they touch
them, they trust them, and while they see

that their people are suffering, they continue
to do what the leaders we have asked for,

their lenders.

They are all like the puppets of these lenders,
who can't do otherwise?

He shakes his hand from above and they do
what he commands.

And while they seemingly show reaction and
resistance, in essence afterward we realize,

that again they put ugly laws, laws of envy,
laws that trample on dignity and bring people

to death.

That is why we will be very humiliated by
those we believed in because we did not entrust

the life of our country to God, but to the
political leaders.

Do you remember how fanatical we were?

The neo-democrats fighting the Pasokians,
the Pasokians fighting the communists, the

communists fighting the Syriza's, the golden
downers the rest, in other words, we have

all become akhtarmas, who fight each other.

No one has unity with the other!

Others proclaim Satanism!

Others proclaim atheism!

This is a rotten situation.

It is a pseudo-roman that the late Saint Paisios
used to say, who came and is currently preying

on our country and is in progress.

It is not over yet.

More pseudo-Romans will come and go, because
all of them, while they want deep down in

their hearts to see their homeland stand,
because of their selfishness and the terrible

the reaction they have to the true God, the true
Protector of our country, not only can they

not achieve anything but with their nonsense,
they are already destroying our Greece.

All of them will leave at some point and leave
badly, and then God will bring out a new leader,

but still, no one knows who God chose to save

God has hidden him, until that moment when
he reveals him, and then we will all rejoice

very much, because he will be very strong,
capable, enlightened leader, who, with the

survivors of the great sorrow that will precede
him in Greece, will have the guts, the strength,

to support his brothers, because that is how
he will consider his people.

And the people will believe him, she will
love him, she will embrace him.

He will be a strong man in both mind and heart
and art and strategy.

And then this man will lead Greece out of
its bounds.

And while in the previous phase the traitors
and their enemies will have shrunk Greece

to a very imaginary size, he will not only
raise it but will also glorify it.

Greece will be glorified and the light will
be made again!

No one knows him yet.

When God allows his appearance, then everyone
will welcome him as their leader, his people

will believe him and together they will form
the beautiful, heavenly Greece.

Blessed are those who will live in this Greece.

It will be the only blessed place in which
peace and tranquility will prevail, after

this great sorrow that our country will go
through; and our land will be so blessed that,

I do not want you to fool me if I tell you,
that they will want to leave other places

that are currently glorified and rich, such
as America for example, and they will want

to come and work here in Greece.

Greece will then be so glorified!

But then the whole world will be in the midst
of anxiety, but before this anxiety of the

world, Europe, America, and other states come,
we here will live as I said before the great


The great sorrow because we abandoned our
God! he is our Christ and our Saints!

What will happen to our Greece and what is
the perfect way to save our

country If at least some politicians could
hear what I am saying now, I would not want

to put aside my fears that I have, not only
about Turkey, which is a given but also about

Albania, which will pose a serious threat.

Our Macedonia will feel the betrayal.

The sea monster will sow fear, panic, and

Athens will experience pestilence and famine.

Many islands will feel abandoned.

The Dodecanese islands and my homeland will
feel the fear and Crete the insidious intervention.

Humility in its majesty will approach, and
that is why the few wise are prepared.

The hidden Saints are constantly crying and
begging God, and God listens to their prayers

and constantly changes the time.

Of course, the fools do their usual deed,
make fun of, and slander.

However, all this will change and it is not
only the international ones that will cause

concern, as I said because Israel and Persia
are currently preparing for what will happen;

in Egypt and Syria, there will be absolute
anarchy and conflicts, which will contribute

to the great backdrop of the coming general

Israel will be in great pain.

It will cause something that will be good
for its salvation, but it will stir up so

many reactions and wars, that in the end he
will be very bitter, disappointed, and grieved.

Israel will be very upset.

For our Greece, I have told you the difficulties
that will come.

But I would like to stress to everyone that,
if you want at this moment to gain our salvation

and help our country not to suffer so much,
I must tell you that there is a way.

The perfect way of subordination of all of
us to our King and God.

Too many Christians have already built a very
a long chain of prayer and the Continue.

And this chain of prayer is at this moment
that stops, that diminishes, and that minimizes

the great dangers.

I hope it doesn't stop.

But know that if it stops for one reason or
another, and if the repentance that God asks

of us is also stopped, that is, if we do not
change our minds and submit to our God, we

will soon see great evils governing the course
of our nation.

One will be the great hunger, the great poverty.

Poverty will be very frightening.

The craft industries will stop, shops will
be closed, there will be no money.

A default of payments seems on the horizon
and there is the dilemma: will we stop it

with our repentance and prayer, or will the
default of payments finally become a reality,

and then we will suffer even more?

And if it were just the economy, so many diseases
that will come and sudden deaths will cause

great sorrow to the people, because there
will be no hospitals, because most of them

will have been closed down and there will
be an inability to offer their services; we

will suffer greatly from illnesses too!

Will we be able to buy all these good medicines?

Unfortunately, I say no.

And then the broodstocks will do their job

They will try to keep us calm, as they do
in psychiatric hospitals, where in order to

keep people calm they give them medicines.

They will do the same to us.

But because they cannot give us the medicines
orally, they will send them to us from heaven!

People will be filled with all these foreign
particles, their cellular system will be altered,

their organism will be infected with all that
will get into their blood and become infected.

How do you think we will react then?

Who can right now react to the beast that
is doing whatever it wants?

Who can rise up and say, "but in the end,
what are you spraying on us?"

And where many rose up, what happened?

Did they stop?

The project is progressing and is rapidly

The precious gifts of God's protection to
His children for the evils to come

That is why God at this moment informs us
prophetically through the divine revelations

of many holy people and tells us:

"Now, My children, leave the arms of Lucifer,
humble yourself, say your mistakes, apologies;

I will forgive you for all your mistakes;
come into My arms, come into My heart; I will

give you as precious gifts, gifts of protection,
My Saints and My Angels; And as a great antidote

to all the evils that will try to defile you,
no longer externally but also internally,

in your body and in your blood, with the things
that will water you, with the things that

will feed you, with what you will breathe,
I will give you two great gifts."

Pay attention to these three things: In what
we will breathe, in what we will eat, and

in what we will drink.

You'll see all that.

A lot will be said from time to time.

But others will be hidden and that is the

As antidotes, God gives us two great gifts.

The first great gift is the DIVINE SOCIETY.

Holy Communion will function as an antidote
only to pious people.

Not to those who, with deceit and with subservience,
will say: "I will partake of the sacrament

and I will also do my sins."


They will not be helped by Holy Communion,
on the contrary, mockery will lead them to more

quickly to evil.

Those who, with simplicity and humility, will
seek the embrace of God and enter into His

heart, the Holy Communion as an antidote will
save them from all the unprecedented achievements

of science, the nano-constructions that will
be contained in what we will breathe, in what

we will eat and in what we will drink.

These will enter and stay in our bodies, in
our blood, in our cells.

And they will be able, you will learn these
things later, these evil people with such

amazing power, to control them and whenever
they want to activate them!

That is why many people will be destroyed
and they will die.

I do not know if you remember what the prophets
and especially the prophet Daniel said: "In

peacetime, many are exterminated."

Will the Antichrist, Satan, exterminate men
in peacetime!

But how will it be done in peacetime?

Quite simply through what will water us, feed
us, and breath.

All food will be controlled and no one will
be able to react and will not be able to say

that it is wrong, because either they will
kill him or marginalize him or send him to

the mental hospital.

Another big problem will be satan's famous

Future vaccines will not be simple; I do not
want to say anything more to this; the time

will come when we say more things.

So the antidote to all this will be the Holy
Communion, which to those who will believe,

will enter into them and will cancel, render
useless and neutralize all these nanostructures

and all this pollution that will bring in
our organism these deceitful constructs that

will be fed to us by Satan, that will water
them for us and that we will breathe them.

This is the one antidote, the Holy Communion.

For this reason, I beg and ask even the spiritual
to become merciful, to unite their hearts

with the merciful heart of God, and to love
His bowels, as God the Father Himself loves


To become fathers and mothers.

Better mothers to become, not just foreign

The educator does not hurt the child, that's
why he says, "If you want a child, find out

if you don't want to leave."

But the father is in pain, he is in agony,
he is struggling, he is at dawn.

God demands and pleads with His children,
His spirituals, the priests who have been

given by the Church the authority to confess,
to be merciful, and to unite their hearts

with His merciful hearts.

As fathers and mothers to embrace these now
long-suffering children, the bowels of God,

and to help them come with repentance and
confession closer to holy Communion.

That is why it will reward them too much.

But woe to those who, depending on the cruelty
of their hearts, will try to apply and carry

in the bowels of God the hard-hearted treatment
that God is cruel, punishable, strict, and

if you do not change, and if you do not repent,
do not stop here again!

These will no longer be tolerated by God.

Even spiritual pious people will feel His

The term "spiritual" has to do with the Holy
Spirit, for the role of the spiritual is to

carry the Holy Spirit, to restore the Holy
Spirit in the heart, in the soul of the bowels

of God, the children of God, the people.

He is called spiritual.

But the Holy Spirit is the spirit of mercy,
and if you do not have a spirit of mercy,

you are not spiritual and you will not carry

This is what God is telling us and he is asking
us all to become a singular one.

This is the one antidote.

The second antidote, do you know what it is?

Very important too.


Prayer is a big deal, but if we do not get
holy Communion, do not think that we will

be able to gain this success on the evils
that Satan will impose.

Sanctification is so important that I would
say this: Make sanctification, my dear friends,

all Christians have a bottle of sanctification
always in your home.

And every day, you, a woman who cooks the
food, put some sanctification in it, put some

sanctification in the water you will drink.

Start now, get used to it now, because when
in a while what is now in progress will peak

and become the official daily condition of
these evil people, we will be fixed, we will

be secured with the terrible antidotes of
life, which is Holy Communion, whenever we

go to the Divine Liturgy, and on a daily basis
prayer and sanctification.

Do not overlook what I am saying to you.

I beg you all to calculate it, but above all
to let your hearts as children enter the arms

of God.

Do you know why?

What is coming to my children now, and it
has begun, is simply in progress and we will

be learning about it in a moment, will terrify
us very much from the geological upheavals

that will be taking place in our volcanic

Not only in our own area but also elsewhere,
because all over the world volcanoes will

now begin to erupt and there will be earthquakes
in places that have not been calculated, in

places that until now were not seismic.

We will reach such a point that the planet
will shake and no one will feel confident


This is why I implore you, always have God
in you, and He will direct you at the appropriate

times and times when evil will take place
so that you will always be under His safety

and far from where evil can happen to you.

Those who will believe them will one day enjoy
the price of obedience.

Those who will make fun of them, in a moment
I do not know if they will have a voice to

confess what they suffered.

Turkey will try to do harm to our country!

I do not want to bore you anymore, only to
beg you to pray more, because cunning Turkey

is preparing to do us a great evil.

They want to take what they want at the moment.

This is not the time to comment on them, but
neither does heaven want at this moment to

say all that will happen.

Only in generalities should you know, that
the evil Turks, their leaders, have prepared

another operation.

They tried this before, that's why I say another

In the past, they secretly tried to strike
In Greece, God allowed things to come

that way, that the initiators of this blow,
are currently in prison and even by their

own people.

But the evil Satan has not stopped there and
now he has put in the thoughts of new people

to attempt it.

That is why all I feel and feel is that once
again before the real rupture takes place,

they will try to do a disservice to our country,
and unfortunately, it will happen at such

a time when our minds will be so preoccupied
with the economy, with our food, with our

survival, that we will not understand the
messages of the times.

And because it would become a great evil,
God will allow another conventional geological

event to precede that period, which will create
for us, in composition and with something

else, the sorrow of the whole world for Greece
and will thwart the evil plans of the Turks

at that moment, and while the second evil
will be great, it will have literally saved

us from the complete destruction that would
be done by the Turks now.

Because the next blow of the Turks will not
be catastrophic, it will simply be humiliating

and will be the beginning of the humiliation
of Greece, of course, but also the beginning

of the dissolution of Turkey, which in combination
with the events in Syria and elsewhere, has

allowed God to enter the heads of the world's
leaders, that Turkey is unreliable and will

have to be dissolved.

You see first That God gives the leaders some
notions of what needs to be done, and then

God creates the right conditions for things
to come about in this way, which will be very

politely dismantled at the beginning, the
the dismemberment of Turkey and then violently

then its complete dissolution and disappearance;
it will be lost from the map; we will no longer

be talking about Turkey in the future.

But now God is waiting for our repentance,
our return to Him, so that what will happen

will be the least in danger, in panic, in
sorrow, in sorrow, in sorrow, in fear on the

part of the Christians who will believe Him.

I hope that our country will have patience
at this time.

Its patience will be shaken.

Its patience will be fought.

Its patience will reach its limits.

But I beg God to endure it.

Unfortunately, the cunning world leaders,
while they seem to be Europeans and beside

us, are ultimately world leaders, through
whom the pentarchy of the patriarchs of darkness,

are currently controlling the world through
the economy.

You see the economy of Europe, let's say Germany,
Italy, France, it doesn't just affect Europe,

it also affects the whole world.


There are so many things that I would like
us to discuss, but we will do this another


I want now to stay in them begging you all
to change lives.

To come close to Christ.

To submit to His will.

To regret our mistakes and to begin to partake
of the sacrament.

When, as children, God warns us of something,
He does not tell us on Monday, so that evil

can happen on Tuesday.


He leaves us as much time as it takes to recover;
if we do not recover, then shakes begin.

I wish with our prayers that we will 
not allow our God, as a parent who does not

want His children to perish in the arms of
Lucifer, to be forced to shake us in various

ways, in order to bring us back to right and
truth, so that our souls will not be lost.

I wish God to bless us all and especially
to bless our country and save it and... good

patience to all.

Pray all for these people who at this moment
have lost faith, lost hope, lost their patience,

and are at the other end of despair and are
therefore committing suicide.

But pray also for all the people who now with
all the new measures they will impose, will

suffer enormously.

Millions of people will lose their homes,
not only in Greece but around the world.

It's a global event.

Greece is a piece of the puzzle.

This is why, children, I will wish you again,
and forgive me for having eaten you for so

much time, to love God, to enter Into His
arms and become one with the Son of God through

Holy Communion; love the Trinity, speak to
our heavenly Father, to His only Son and treasure,

our Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, and do
not forget to constantly ask for His Holy

Spirit, to flood you and give you divine love,
so that united with the heavenly Father, as

is the baby with his mom, we may live the
absolute love and security of God the Father

in all that 
will come.

God be with you my children and bless you!

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