Thursday, February 17, 2022

Neighboring Country will be destroyed! All this will be done in these ye...

"Turkey will be dissolved and, in fact, it
will be dissolved by the allies themselves."

"Ate, ate, I will not be proud of your advance,
when the Greek army will advance for Constantinople."

Another shocking prophecy he had said was:
"When you hear that the waters of the Euphrates

are being cut down from above by the Turks
with dams ..."

Agios Kosmas the Aetolian was right when he
said about the "Examilia", because the "Examilia"

are neither villages nor cities, but are the
six nautical miles, the zone of six miles

that surrounds the coasts of Greece and every
island us. "Examili" is any point that is

six miles off the coast of Greece, land or
island. There, then, will be what Agios Kosmas

the Aetolian said "

"When the Turkish fleet starts heading against
Greece and reaches six miles, it will actually

be destroyed. It will be the time when they
will have the huts in their belt. But, this

will not be done by us. This is the will of
God. "Examili" will be the beginning of the

end… ..Then all the events will begin, which
will end in taking the City…. They will

give us the city… .. There will be a war
between Russia and Turkey. At first, the Turks

will think they are winning, but that will
be their downfall. The Russians, in the end,

will win and the City will fall into their
hands. Then we will take it …… They will

be forced to give it to us… ".

The Turks "will be destroyed. They will be
wiped off the map because it is a nation that

did not come from the blessing of God. "Of
the Turks, 1/3 will go from where they started,

in the depths of Turkey, 1/3 will be saved,
because they will have been Christianized

and the last 1/3 will be killed in this war."(
it is about for the well-known Prophecy of

Saint Cosmas).

"I did not want anything else. May God keep
me alive for a few more years, so that I could

see my homeland growing. It will grow…".

"Turkey will be divided. This fragmentation
certainly satisfies us and benefits us as

a state. This is how our villages, the unredeemed
homelands, will be liberated. Istanbul will

be liberated, it will become Greek again.
Hagia Sophia will reopen ".

"Turkey will be divided into 3-4 parts. The
countdown has already begun. We will take

our lands, the Armenians theirs and the Kurds
theirs. The Kurdish issue has already been

launched. This will happen, not now, but soon,
when this generation that rules Turkey stops

and a new generation of politicians takes
over. Then Turkey will be divided. Very soon

the prayers that are said below the surface
of the earth, will be done on the earth and

the candles that are lit below, will be lit
up (he meant the Crypto-Christians)… .Faith and

hope in God to exist and many will rejoice.
All this will be done during these years.

The time has come. "

"The British and the Americans will give us
Istanbul. Not because they love us, but because

it will coincide with their interests. "

The Turks "will make only one challenge in
Greece, which will be related to the coastal

zone. And we will be hungry. Greece will be
hungry. And because this rain will last for

sometime, it will be months, "we will say
the bread is bread". And another time he said…

“Have a small estate and cultivate it a
little. Close to you, you will help someone

who will not have ".

"When you hear on TV about the miles, about
extending the miles (of the coastal zone)

from 6 to 12 miles, then war comes from behind.
It follows….After the challenge of the

Turks, the Russians will go down to the Straits.
Not to help us. They will have other interests.

But, without wanting to, they will help us.
Then, in order to defend the Straits, which

are of strategic importance, the Turks will
gather other troops there. At the same time,

they will withdraw forces from occupied territories.
But then the other European countries, namely

England, France, Italy, and six or seven other
EEC countries will see that Russia will seize

parts, so they will say: "We are not going
over there either, maybe we will take any

pieces? ” Everyone, however, will chase
the lion's share. This is how the Europeans

will enter the war… ..The (Greek) government
will make a decision not to send an army.

It will keep an army only at the border. And
it will be a great blessing that he will not

take part. Why whoever takes part in this
war (in the European one), is lost… ».

"The Turks will hit us, but Greece will not
suffer much damage. It will not be long after

the Turkish attack on our country and then
the Russians will beat the Turks and disperse

them. Like a sheet of paper that you hit and
dissolve, so will the Turks disintegrate.

1/3 of them will be killed, 1/3 will be Christianized
and 1/3 will go to the Red Apple. The use

of the waters of the Euphrates for irrigation
works by the Turks will be a warning that

the preparation of the great war that will
follow will begin "1991.

"After the dissolution of Turkey, Russia will
continue the war until the Persian Gulf and

its troops will stop outside Jerusalem. Then
the Western powers will give the Russians

a deadline to withdraw their troops from these
parts, as long as it takes to make the sprouts,

that is 6 months. Russia, however, will not
withdraw its forces. And then the Western

powers will begin to gather troops to attack
the Russians. The war that will break out

will be global and will result in the Russians
losing. A great slaughter will follow. The

big cities will become slums. We, the Greeks,
will not take part in the world war. ».

"Her administration City, from us, it will
be both military and political. ""You (said

to a young student of the Technical University
of Xanthi), as a civil engineer, will contribute

to the reconstruction of the City, because
the City will be rebuilt from the beginning


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