Monday, January 31, 2022

It is next when you start to mistakenly fall into delusions

 And like himself
 Barlaam, without remorse, saw visions of the wicked, so the people
 much more now, in the age of spiritually comparative globalization is
 exposed to the confusion of promoting every sect and delusion in parallel with it
 Orthodoxy, unable to discern what is from God and what is imitation
 made by the wicked.  Some even think they can use it
 Eastern exercises (such as yoga, self-concentration, etc.) at the same time as Orthodoxy
 exercise (Fasting, Jesus' wish, vigilance, etc.).  But it is necessary to stay in
 Orthodox teaching prioritizes the purification of the human heart.
 When, respectively, the Church, which is like a heart that keeps all life alive
 humanity, cleansed of the delusions that surround it, only the “powerful
 angel "create the right conditions for the great Gathering, then all the
 The universe will be ready to accept the word of God, as well as the pure heart of one
 It makes one ready to accept the true revelation of God.
 10.70.  As Barlaam considered the appearances of the wicked to be superficial, so
 Nowadays, those who lack Orthodox experience and theology are suffering.
 For example, Mount Athos elder Sofronios (+1994) says that “the saints, when they reach
 a state of deification, they see the energy of God as Light, they are transformed and
 they see the glory of God. "  But it is easy to be deceived, and those who are not first
 Christians: “The light of God is uniform, while that of the devil is dissimilar.  Those
 passed through Buddhism will have to repent completely, because otherwise
 this eastern experience will leave something in their souls ”… (A13,14).  And he explains:
 "Buddhism has some truths, but it has a human truth that reaches out
 the "zero", that is, with self-concentration - meditation leads man to it
 "not being" from which we were created.  It is an existential suicide.  THE
 Christ leads us to deification, communion with the Triune God. "  27
 It is good to know where the truth is, because it is unique
 it is easy to learn, and the plans that surround it are many.  Great
 Crowds of people run to gain spiritual experiences where there is only the
 disastrous imitation of true experiences, caused by spirits of cunning that
 they appear as angels of light or imitators of divine glory.  Elder Sophronius had
 many true experiences of divine light, but also other modern elders like o
 Elder Porphyrios also left us some memorable spiritual experiences
 His: “Many times by the grace of God I have entered another state.  The

 my voice, my face entered the atmosphere of divine light ".

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