Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Satanic death is what you will get at the end=Illuminati-Freemason, Read...

Satanic death is what you will get at the end=Illuminati-Freemason One thing that Satanists (Laveyithans) use to attract members who may feel a bit uncomfortable with the word "satanist" is to say they are not Satanists at all and don't even believe in satan. It's called Atheistic Satanism aka "the church of satan." We must remember that demons and satan speak in riddles and say the opposite of what the truth is, even backward speaking as in playing recordings backward and hearing what the demon's message really is. Their unholy hour is 3am the opposite of the death of Christ which was 3pm as an insult to Jesus. They also perform rituals saying the Lord's Prayer backward. So the BS about not believing in Satan is exactly the opposite of what they really do, and atheistic is a total contradiction because they 1) have a church with weekly (or more) services (rituals) 2) They have unholy rituals to hail Satan and other demons, and dogma to follow. So it's all a front to hide what they really do which is everything that would be selfish, ultra materialistic, and an abomination to Christ/God. Orgies, pedophilia, blood-drinking, black magic, homosexuality is a requirement at least bi-sexuality, and promoting all the hedonistic desires as a good thing while denying God who they feel is a big meanie for not allowing it, so suddenly he doesn't exist, oh but his failed creation satan does. It makes no sense but these types of sociopaths don't care about logistics, it's just about embracing their sins any way they can, and materialism. Don't buy into the deception, these things will ruin your life eventually because the satanic church owns you once you join. Once you are owned you have lost your soul, and yes spirit/souls are real. The whole setup is a farce to lure ignorant people to join, and rogue atheists as well. Sex addicts particularly enjoy that lifestyle and psychopathic narcissists love it. Suddenly they can be "gods!" What a joke. They totally fell for it. Yeah, it's all fun and games to them until the moment of their death, and many have been very afraid at that time, even asking forgiveness from God. It's too late then sadly but wasn't the money, drugs, and sex worth the trade-off? Satanic death is forever, we are on Earth but a short time to be tested and learn. Satanists are like spoiled children who refuse proper meals and just want candy and cookies for every meal. There is always a huge price to pay for that short time of pleasure though eventually isn't there? This insanity leads one to understand Satanism itself is completely illogical and self-destructive, any selfish fool could be atheist or satanist that's easy, evil is easy. However being righteous and holy is not an easy road but a challenge, it's very hard in these times with stresses and temptations at every turn, but the rewards are immense if you can hang in there, and you can get help if you ask.

To be immortal is a promise from God, satan being only an angel cannot give immortality, so those who choose the left-hand path are sent to be with satan at death, who hates traitors and all humans, so they receive the most exquisite torture of all for his pleasure, because Satanists ARE still humans, and it behooves satan to prove to God humans are not worthy, then their soul is destroyed. There is no party, no promotion, no reincarnation, you are just gone in a poof of fire.

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