Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Entering Ancient Orthodoxy READ MY SUBS

ORTHODOXY is the only true religion! All the other so-called "Christian churches" changed very very many things in Christianity.. Catholicism changes and adjusts doga every day(a metaphor, but you got the idea). Orthodoxy has remained pure and unchanged since the 7 ecumenical councils at the dawn of Christianity. Catholics left us, and after them, the protestants split from them and drifted farther away from the true essence of Christianity, and then the Anglicans, Pentecostals, baptists, etc, etc... Now there are hundreds or even thousand of so-called "Christian churches".Catholics are the origin of all the sects today. It is a saying... " There were three Great falls in history: 1)The fall of Satan 2)The fall of Adam 3)The fall of the first Pope in 1054! " But the Truth is only one, and is found in the only Church founded by the 12 apostles. The Orthodox Church. Orthodox =The Right Faith Ortho = Right, Unchanged Dox = Dogma, Faith All the thousands of so-called Christian churches starting with Catholicism lost Apostolic descendence. They are anathematized, because they changed the Faith.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Avoid them

They are everywhere, This confusion, all over Cyprus, and overseas.


spirit guide=demonic beings

Όπως και οι περισσότεροι αποκρυφιστές, ο Άλμπερτ Πάικ είχε "πνευματικό οδηγό" που διανείμει τη "Θεία Σοφία" και φώτιζε πώς να επιτύχει τη Νέα Παγκόσμια Τάξη. Ένας "πνευματικός οδηγός" είναι ένα «όντας» που συναντά κάποιον που έχει δώσει περισσότερα από τον εαυτό του στην πρακτική της απόκρυψης. Ωστόσο, οι άνθρωποι που είναι επαγγελματίες της Νέας Εποχής Θρησκεία δεν το βλέπουν αυτό ως κακό πράγμα. Στην πραγματικότητα, θα υποστήριζαν σθεναρά ότι γεμίζουν με ευτυχία και χαρά αλληλεπιδρώντας με τους "πνευματικούς οδηγούς" τους.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Μόρφου Νεόφυτος, πρέπει να έχει δίκιο εδώ