hear about marriage because she had his love for
Christ, as the father was the patriarchal families, if the
father said, you will marry him; that is not the current
situation, so once a scientist asked her, the father insisted, the
old woman had a great love for the archangel
michael, she took the image of the archangel michael in her arms and went up to the
upstairsand there he started with tears on his kneesbegging the archangel
Michael to intervene, he says I don't want, I don't want to get married, I want to be a bride
of ChristI can't convince my father even though you still love me, please
intervene right now what's going on an earthquake in the house a magnitude nine we'd
say the house was not damaged the doors opened by themselves and windows
and where to be when the consultation to end the neighborhood appeared
a young man in military ancient uniform and said leave Galatea alone.
belongs to me it was the archangel michael the prospective bridegroomput it to his feet
when he saw the noisedoors and windows were opening and he saw this this
paradoxical phenomenon they went outside and saw that the whole neighborhood was quietthere was
nothing disturbing the space where is she when they went upstairs they found her
holding the image of the archangel michael and they recognized the face of the
image the face that appeared once she had her first divine
experience at 18 she came to a confrontation with
her father and said something to him that was bitterhe didn't answer but a
tear ran down his faceshe saw it and was shocked
she put a penance on him she asked for forgivenessshe kissed his hand.
my child was human. No, no, no no she went to her grandfatherthe papanikola
she confessed she read a choral prayerbut she argued with her this burned her, she says
very muchand she spent three months lying face down on the
floor and begging the holy spirit to forgive her and to feel in
her heart forgiveness for an untold amount of time one morning she went into the storeroom and
bent down to get somethingand then she says a bluestone came down from the sky
a flame ran through her head; she proceeded to the space of the heart, her inner
space melted the expansion of the heart, and there she understood that there is
an inner man behind the carnal heart, there she discovered
the inner man, and in fact she says she became a peaceful
siphon that my sins left as dry leaves leave the branches of
trees when there is a storm and a windstorm. so I saw my sins go away
and now Christ settled in me permanently, the old
woman said that Christ gives you a sweet and reveals
his face to you, then he leaves you a painful searchand in the end he says
he reappears, revealing the whole triune godI saw him 18
years old I searched for him for many yearsand in the
end he says I saw him again in the fire with the eyes of the heart always he said with the
binoculars of the heartbut he also revealed to me the father of vision and the all-holy
spirit says a mystery that cannot be expressed in wordsnor can the mind
contain no beginning and no end this bluestone light
[music] you have no
path you have full self-awareness but you live in another stateeven biological
functions of the body are suspended you can live this experience for
hours not to be hungry not to be thirsty not to need sleepand may you
stand and be immovable when this
situation subsides, you feel like an animal because you need to eat and do all
human things this light says it is a full bright light because there is no other
terminology to describe its quality and its brilliance the sun is a small lamp
in front of it, the anarchic father, you understand what it is for and
you recognize it by its qualitiesin fact, it said the
all-wise [music]
you don't have much light to see his faceso the change or the
second light has a human bodyhe is the christ and he comes through the
human natureand he even described him as being of medium
height towards the topneither fat nor thinrather thin with
auburn hair and beardblue eyesand incurable in his wounds
of the cross so that everyone will recognize him, especially when he comes again
every eye will look at him and it was he who began as
the evangelist John says in the preface of the revelation he indeed has these signs and with them
he is acting as a mediator for us to the father, rather
he said I am shocked in the church when I hear about the sufferings of
your only begotten of the virus with the blessed because at that time he says to the anarchic father the
wounds of the crossand he is the ambassador of humanity for
us the holy spirit said he is the finger of god in the world that calls all of
god's breath came but has not moved he constitutes the institution of the church and the
gas station says of his grace the holy bank that in order for people to take it
to electrify their souls with the holy spirit it needs a cable connection
that it is the path of the spiritual; there is no other way, the
personal struggle increases this sacred reserve, this sacred experience, this
inexpressible share increases it, but it cannot primarily create it.
it needs a mediating conduitwhich is the epitaph of the spiritual
and primarily the scapula of the bishop